Part 1: Modify this page so that when the user clicks out of the ‘txtName’ field (i.e. when the focus is lost or the text field is “blurred”), you do a simple validation: Retrieve the value that the...

Part 1: Modify this page so that when the user clicks out of the ‘txtName’ field (i.e. when the focus is lost or the text field is “blurred”), you do a simple validation: Retrieve the value that the user entered. Output (to a nearby div section) a greeting to the user using their name (e.g. “Hello, Bob”). If they did not enter anything in the text field (i.e. if the value is an empty string), output to the same section: “You must enter a name.” When the user re-enters the text field (i.e. when it regains the 'focus' hint hint…), clear out whatever message was in that div section previously.

May 19, 2022

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