Microsoft Word - cloud network.docx 2 INFORMATION SECURITY 6 INFORMATION SECURITY Information Security (NIT5140) Assignment (Cloud Network) Submitted by: Vinay(4585300) Submitted to: Dr. Ifeanyi Egwutuoha Abstract The cloud of IBM has been delivering virtually unmatched control and scalabilities with various networks. The security and firewalls has been vital to secure the cloud environment and data stored within it. This has also included prevention of malicious activities to reach the users and servers. In this study a literature review is conducted over cloud networking. Then the case of IBM strengthening its cloud services in collaborations with CA is been demonstrated. Cloud Network: Case of IBM strengthening mainframe cloud services with the help of CA The cloud networking refers to describe the access to networking resources. This has been taking place from centralized third-party providers. This is done using Wide Area of Networks or Internet-based access technologies [1]. The following study conducts a literature review on the cloud networking. The business cases are then reviewed and analyzed in this study. The advent of cloud computing has changed the way to scale data centers and what is needed for the network as per as resilience and throughput. Attitalla, Chocksi and M. B (2017) highlighted that scaling, controlling, scaling, visualizing and customizing is a vital step in this industry [3]. The industry has been hosting applications in massive data centers that are made available to any device anywhere and anytime. Further, Li, Misic and Mahmoud (2018) discussed that cloud computing had transcended every customer classes from consumers to different small-medium business to larger enterprises [7]. “Figure 1: Public cloud architecture for mainframe Here the business case of IBM and CA teaming up for achieving effective applications regarding multi-cloud, hybrid and different private operations are demonstrated [2]. The organizations have collaborated to link their mainframe and cloud managed services. This is done over zCloud or z Systems. This is to make their applications perform better regarding multi-cloud or hybrid operations. The zCloud has been offering customers the method to move their complex workloads to cloud environments with security and flexibility of mainframes [4]. Figure 2: “IBM and CA making mainframe the destination in cloud” (Source; internet) Here, the customers have been looking at the mainframe as a cloud option. Moreover, this has been more than only a mainframe as the service. This has been a sensible extension of the current computing requirements. It has proved that in extreme, various conservative part of data center, the cloud-technology has accepted deployment platform regarding various solutions that are mission-critical [6]. Here, the main fact has been that the CA realigned with those platform. However, this process has been too late. However, this has permitted various kinds of vendors such as Compuware in gaining significant market share. Thus it is seen that the fact has been good news for different customers. This has indicated that this has not been only showing for IBM. Here, they have possessed the choice of software companies having solutions over that platform. Moreover, the quantity of this open source has been ready for deployment over mainframe has been high every time [8]. Furthermore, CA partnership has been letting customers develop different core applications quickly. This is done by using state-of-the-art development tools. This has made the platforms accessible in an easy way to the growing generation of different developers. Public Multi - tenant cloud Savings On premise Cloud Remote managed services Traditional On premise management Agility Figure 2: “Transition to public Multi-tenant cloud for mainframe: IBM Cloud Managed services over z Systems” (Source: Vakilinia 2018) The part of CA’s deal has included various elements. The first one has been the Brightside. It has added the natural development of multiple applications for mainframe through the current open source frameworks and tools like IntelliJ, Gradle, and Jenkins through command line interfaces. The next one is CA service virtualization [5]. This has included rapid testing and modifications of various applications at a proper place. This has made that easier for organizations to perform the mainframe test and developing the clouds. Next, there has been mainframe operational intelligence where the applications are monitored within the cloud and incorporate the current digital performance solutions of management. The next one is the data content found. There the data are found classified and protected for safeguarding the personally identifiable information of clients and has helped to meet various regulations of compliances. Moreover, the business has offered IBM services Platforms providing the next level of automation under zCloud [6]. This is to assist clients with the movements towards different kinds of cloud environments. Here, they have possessed so much data that are being managed over those mainframes. Here those needs have been ensuring the reliable scenario that is upgraded, scaled and secured that has been complex. The zCloud has assured that clients manage those services and ability as required. This has been helpful to decrease the costs related to operating the mainframe up to 30%. The CA technologies have been showcasing latest solutions unleashing various untapped values with higher accessibility towards the mainframe. This has included the developer-friendly resolutions and IBM partnerships demonstrating the commitments of CA towards the mainframe. Moreover, the clients have been accelerating digital transformations, and the most of them are included into mainframe as an essential part of the change. In order to assist those clients, IBM has introduced their “Cloud Managed Services” over z Systems. Here, those services have comprised of assimilated power and security over IBM’s mainframe and scalability and flexibility of IBM cloud. Here, the CA and IBM have been committed to deepening the role of the platform towards enterprise digital transformations. References: CA Technologies Showcases New Solutions that Unleash Untapped Value with Greater Accessibility to the Mainframe - CA Technologies",, 2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 08- Jun- 2018]. S. Vakilinia, "Energy efficient temporal load aware resource allocation in cloud computing datacenters", Journal of Cloud Computing, vol. 7, no. 1, 2018. H. Li, R. Lu, J. Misic and M. Mahmoud, "Security and Privacy of Connected Vehicular Cloud Computing", IEEE Network, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 4-6, 2018. Y. Guo, A. Stolyar and A. Walid, "Shadow-Routing Based Dynamic Algorithms for Virtual Machine Placement in a Network Cloud", IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 209-220, 2018.