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CHAPTERS COVERED : CHAPTERS 1 - 8, 10 & 21 - 24 LEARNER GUIDE : STUDY UNITS 1 - 4 & 8 DUE DATE : 3:00 p.m. 21 AUGUST 2012 TOTAL MARKS : 100
The complete ‘Instructions to Students for Completing and Submitting Assignments’ must be collected from any IMM GSM office, the relevant Student Support Centre or can be downloaded from the IMM GSM website. It is essential that the complete instructions be studied prior to commencing your assignment. The following points highlight only a few important notes. 1. You are required to submit ONE assignment per subject. 2. The assignment will contribute 20% towards the final examination mark, and the other 80% will be contributed by the examination, however the examination papers will count out of 100%. 3. Although your assignment will contribute towards your final examination mark, you do not have to earn credits for admission to the examinations; you are automatically accepted on registering for the exam. 4. Number all the pages of your assignment (e.g. page 1 of 4) and write your name and surname, student number and subject at the top of each page. 5. The IMM GSM requires assignments to be presented on plain A4 paper. You must show all working calculations, including and where appropriate multiple choice working calculations. 6. A separate assignment cover, which is provided by the IMM GSM, must be attached to the front cover of each assignment. 7. Retain a copy of each assignment before submitting, in case the original does not reach the IMM GSM. 8. The assignment due date refers to the day up to which assignments will be accepted for marking purposes. The deadline is 3:00 p.m. on 21 August 2012. Late assignments will be accepted, but 25 marks will be deducted from the maximum mark, if received after 3:00 p.m. on 21 August 2012 and up to 5:00 p.m. the following day, after which no assignments will be accepted. 9. If you fail to follow these instructions carefully, the IMM Graduate School of Marketing cannot accept responsibility for the return of the assignment. It may even result in your assignment not being marked. Results will be available on the IMM GSM website,, on Friday, 5 October 2012.
© IMM Graduate School of Marketing Assignment: 2nd Semester 2012 FM