Pacific Pulp and Paper is deciding how to manage their main forest. They have trees at a variety of ages, which we will break into Classes 1 to 4 . Currently, they have 8000 acres in Class 1 , 10,000...

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Pacific Pulp and Paper is deciding how to manage their main forest. They have trees at a variety of ages, which we will break into Classes 1 to 4 . Currently, they have 8000 acres in Class 1 , 10,000 acres in Class 2 , 20,000 in Class 3, and 60,000 in Class 4 . Each class corresponds to about 25 years of growth. The company would like to determine how to harvest in each of the next four 25- year periods to maximize expected revenue from the forest. They also foresee the company’s continuing after a century, so they place a constraint of having 40,000 acres in Class 4 at the end of the planning horizon. Each class of timber has a different yield. Class 1 has no yield, Class 2 yields 250 cubic feet per acre, Class 3 yields 510 cubic feet per acre, and Class 4 yields 700 cubic feet per acre. Without fires, the number of acres in Class i (for i = 2,3 ) in one period is equal to the amount in Class i−1 from the previous period minus the amount harvested from Class i − 1 in the previous period. Class 1 at period t consists of the total amount harvested in the previous period t −1 , while Class 4 includes all remaining Class 4 land plus the increment from Class 3. While weather effects do not vary greatly over 25-year periods, fire damage can be quite variable. Assume that in each 25-year block, the probability is 1/3 that 15% of all timber stands are destroyed and that the probability is 2/3 that 5% is lost. Suppose that discount rates are completely overcome by increasing timber value so that all harvests in the 100-year period have the same current value. Revenue is then proportional to the total wood yield.

Answered 142 days AfterMay 09, 2022

Answer To: Pacific Pulp and Paper is deciding how to manage their main forest. They have trees at a variety of...

Robert answered on Sep 28 2022
71 Votes
Pacific Mash and Paper is choosing how to deal with their principal woods. They have trees at different ages, which we will break into Classes 1 to 4. As of now, they have 8000 sections of land in Class 1, 10,000 sections of land in Class 2, 20,000 in Class 3, and 60,000 in Class 4. Each class...

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