PACE UNIVERSITY PAMELA P. PERALTA, ESQ. TORTS ASSIGNMENTHarold, or Harry, as he was known to his friends, was admittedly asomewhat odd individual. It was well known in the small town in whichhe lived...

PACE UNIVERSITY PAMELA P. PERALTA, ESQ. TORTS ASSIGNMENTHarold, or Harry, as he was known to his friends, was admittedly asomewhat odd individual. It was well known in the small town in whichhe lived that Harry developed quite a strong fear and believed “orangeis evil.” Ever since he returned from Tennessee, he became quiteagitated around people wearing orange shirts.On an otherwise boring afternoon, Larry and Ralph, who were wearingbright orange shirts, went looking for their buddy Harry. When theyfound him, Harry was riding his new Rockbanger 6000 mountain bikeover the Charles River Bridge.They waived large-sticks over their heads and yelled “when the moonis full, we turn you orange!” Harry leaped off his bike and ran away inhysterical fear, bumping into lampposts as he went. As he was runningdown the street, Harry saw Daryl, who was wearing an orange shirt,walk into Paul’s Camera Shop. Intending to trap what he assumed wasone of the evils who had just threatened him, Harry ran to the shop,slammed the door with great force, and quickly barricaded the doorwith several large recycling drums. Unfortunately, at that verymoment, Martha, who had been in the store, started to leave. Theslamming door hit Martha in the face, immediately knocking herunconscious and abruptly terminating her modeling career.Paul, thinking the store was under attack by international terrorists,drew his duly licensed .44 magnum (the most powerful handgun in theworld) and fired several rounds through the door, hitting Harry (whosurvived) and hitting several members of a passing band of rockmusicians.John, who was standing inside the store next to the door, was struck byseveral splinters and developed a permanent fear of loud noises as aresult of the experience.Identify all of the claims and defenses that might reasonably beasserted by allof the participants in this regrettable drama and explain which claimsare likely toprevail and why.

May 15, 2022

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