P3-8A Pamper Me Salon Ines general ledger at April 30, 20B, included the following! Cash S5,0040; Supplies S5.00;. Equipiten 1524,000; Accounts Payable 52,100; Bank Loan Payable 510,000; Unea rued Revenue ( from gill ter tilicates) SI ,000; Common Shares S5 400; and Reta ined Earnings S1.1.400. The collowingt-wents and transactions occur red dur ing lay May I Paid Fen t for the month of May, 51,000. 4 Paid 51,100 of the accoLui t pay able at April 30. 7 Lqs ued gift certi ficates for future services for 51,500 task i Received X1,200 cash from customers for sere Lees performed_ 14 Paid $1,200 in salaries to employees. 15 Received 5800 in cash tram customers for services performed 15 Customers recebr ing se mites worth 5700 used gift certificates in payment. 21 Paid the remaining accounts payable from April 30. 22 Reeei?ed 31,04:10 in cash from customers for services per for med. 22 Purchased supplies of 5700 on account All of these were used during the month. 25 Received a bill kin adver tiling for S500. This bill is due on lune 13. 25 Received and paid a u till ties bill kiir S400. 29 Received 51,700 in cash from tus tamers kin services performed 29 Customers lecebv ing se ry ices worth 5600 used girt terti.ficates in pay rrient. 31 Interes t or 550 was pa id on the bank loan 31 Paid 51,200in salaries to employees. 31 Paid income tax instalment for the month, 5150.
Ingirnerions (a) Using T accounts, enter the beginning balances in the general ledger a s at April 30. (b) Journalize t.he May transactions. (c) Post the May journal entries to the general ledger. (d) Prepare a t vial balance as at May 31.
P3-2-6.. On July 31, 20B, the general ledger or Hills Legal Semites Enc. showed the following balances! Cash S4,000;. Accounts Receivable 5.1500; Supplies S 500; Equipment S5,(100. Accounts Payable 54,.100; Common Shares S3,500;. and Retained Ear rings 53,400. Du ring August, the following tranSattiOrIS OCCu reed Aug. 3 Collected S1,200 of aCtOuntS receivable due from customers. 5 Received S 1300 cash for issuing common shares to new investors. 6 Paid 52,760 cash on accounts payable owing. 7 Earned fees .156,500, or which 53,000 was collected in cash and the remainder was due On account. 12 Purchased additional equipment for SI ,200, paying S400 in cash and the balance on accoLui 14 Paid salaries, S3500, n-nt, 5900, and ad %rr tising even ses 5275, for the month of August. 18 Collected the balance of the fees earned on Augarst 7. 20 Paid dividends of S500 to shareholders. 24 Billed a client S 141+00 for legal sere ices provided. 26 Received S2,0400 from Laurentian Rank:. abr money was borrowed on a bank loam payable that is due in s ix months. 27 Signed an engagement letter to provide legal se rY ices to a client in September for 54,500. The client will pay the a mou nt owing after the work has been completed. 28 Received the utility bill for the MLA Lb Or August in the amount of 5275; it is not due until September 15. 31 Paid income tax for the month, 5500.
Instructions (a) Beginning with the July 31 balances, prepare a tabular analysis of the e fleas of the August transactionson the iecarided accounting equation_ (b.) Prepare an income statement, a s tatement orthanges in qui Cy, and a statement of financial position for August.