OverviewIn your text,Information Technology for Management: On-Demand Strategies for Performance, Growth and Sustainability, Chapter 9, you will be using the opening case study, “Ducati Redesigns Its...


In your text,Information Technology for Management: On-Demand Strategies for Performance, Growth and Sustainability, Chapter 9, you will be using the opening case study, “Ducati Redesigns Its Operations” to complete a SWOT analysis.

For IT professionals, understanding an organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats impacts the success of implementing new systems. Strengths and weaknesses are internal to an organization; they can be described as those factors that you can directly impact to create change. Examples include the implementation team members or the location. Opportunities and threats are external to your organization and are impacted by environmental factors like company competitors or shopping trends.


In this activity, you will use the SWOT analysis format shown in Figure 12.2 of your text to complete a SWOT analysis of the Ducati case study. Within your SWOT analysis, you will describe:

  • Internal strengths and weaknesses

  • External opportunities and threats

Consider the following questions to help you complete your analysis:

  • How can Ducati use its strengths to take advantage of opportunities?

  • How can Ducati use its strengths to overcome external threats?

  • What can Ducati do to safeguard from internal weaknesses?

  • How can Ducati minimize its weaknesses to protect itself from external threats?

Guidelines for Submission

You must submit your SWOT analysis diagram in a Word .doc file or PowerPoint PPT file.

Oct 09, 2022

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