Overview: Essay #4 requires that you write a position paper, also called an argumentation essay. When you write a position paper, your main purpose is to convince your readers that your particular...

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Essay #4 requires that you write a position paper, also called an argumentation essay. When you write a position paper, your main purpose is to convince your readers that your particular view or opinion on an issue is correct and/or at least valid. This type of essay requires that you take a stand on an issue and support that stand with evidence. Some of this evidence may come from your personal experience, but most of your evidence will come from facts and opinions that you gather from outside sources. These sources are called
Primary sources are first-hand accounts of an issue, or are items created by an original composer. Primary sources may include diaries, journals, original videos, newspaper articles, and original essays, just to name a few. A secondary source is one that was created
by someone who
did not
experience first-hand or participate in the events or conditions being researched. Secondary sources are generally scholarly books and articles. Also included would be reference sources like encyclopedias. You are required to use at least one primary source and 4 secondary sources (a total of five outside sources) to support your essay.

Consideration of your audience (your readers) is critical to the success of your argumentation essay. Your audience may be opposed to your view or supportive of it. As you plan your essay, consider what your audience already knows and how it feels about your topic. By directly addressing your opposition, you add credibility to your argumentation essay and increase the chances that others will be convinced that your main point is valid. This essay requires that you include a section that addresses and refutes your opposition.

There also needs to be a works cited page of all sources,

a topic has alreadybeen chosen

Presidentialelection election- Popular votes vselectoral vote

My position is popular vote

Answered Same DayNov 23, 2021

Answer To: Overview: Essay #4 requires that you write a position paper, also called an argumentation essay....

Jose answered on Nov 25 2021
166 Votes
The University of Queensland
Popular Vote
Student Submitting:
Due Date: 28/10/2020
1.0 Introduction
US election
results always called as hot news for all the people and most of the business people are giving more importance to US election results. While analysing the US election 2020 we can understand that Biden won over the Trump and he will be new president of US. Voting system of the country is entirely different from countries and most popular terms related with US voting system in electoral and popular vote. Electoral vote called as the vote cast by the members of the electoral college and popular vote is called as vote received by the candidate in the first phase of election. While analysing the last presidential results we can understand that Trump won by electoral votes, in US constitution, popular votes does not provide any advantages to the candidates. In this paper we are analysing the importance and significance of popular vote in a detailed way.
2.0 Body
As per the report of Stanford Professors
(2016) it is better to use popular vote system for selecting the president. By implementing single national popular vote system, we can able to ensure more transparency and accuracy to the election process. One person, one vote called as the most effective method and it helps for ensuring equality in the election process (Dean et al 2020). Electoral vote system is consuming and we have to follow lots of procedures and rules for completing the process. According to the words of Doug McAdam
(2016) professor of Stanford electoral votes deprive the rights and privileges of people. While analysing the US constitution we can understand that electoral college is the major influential factor in the selection of new president. The candidate who receives a majority of electoral votes, means 270, is eligible to became the president of the country. As per the report of Stanford
(2016) total...

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