Order Instructions: Write an imaginary Plato-style dialogue between Socrates and Descartes. The subject should be the role of God in human knowledge. Assume that Socrates speaks for Plato. Hint: Plato...

Order Instructions:

Write an imaginary Plato-style dialogue between Socrates and Descartes. The subject should be the role of God in human knowledge. Assume that Socrates speaks for Plato. Hint: Plato does not give a big role to God (or the gods) while Descartes does. This piece should be about 1000 words.

Use the following format:

Socrates: Hello, Rene. How are you today? Have you heard that Google has announced the availability of a driverless car for the mass market?

Descartes: Oh, hi, Socrates. Yes, I have heard that. And it’s just in time too because my eyesight is getting so bad that I have been considering giving up my driver’s license.

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May 06, 2022

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