Oral presentation topicAlcohol and Other Drugs assessment7 slides of presentationAnd also add notes on the slidesAPA 7th edition referencesMinimum of 10 references required (no more than 5 years...

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Oral presentation topic
Alcohol and Other Drugs assessment

7 slides of presentation

And also add notes on the slides

APA 7th edition references

Minimum of 10 references required (no more than 5 years old)

Also Written abstract of the presentation - 500 words in word document

I’ve attached the fact sheet of Mental health Act related to topic please go through it and oral presentation pdf

Oral presentation on a selected topic Assessment 2.1 Guide ORAL PRESENTATION ON A SELECTED TOPIC WITH WRITTEN ABSTRACT Overview Participants are to provide a discussion based on the performance criteria on one of the following topics • Responding to deteriorating mental state • Developing the Therapeutic Alliance • Supporting consumers with medication • Attachment and the impact on the individual and the family • Cardio-Metabolic Monitoring and physical health interventions • Anosognosia • Cultural Safety • Trauma Informed Care • Alcohol and Other Drugs assessment • Alcohol and Other Drugs withdrawal management • Alcohol and Other Drugs harm minimisation Overview 20 –30 minutes presentation to peers – presentations will occur on a TSP study day Written abstract required to be submitted through Turnitin prior to your presentation - 500 words Minimum of 8 references required (no more than 5 years old) Ensure you sign the cover sheet declaring the work as your own and attach when submitting the abstract! How to select a topic Consider - • What is relevant to my clinical area? • What do I have an interest in? • What will be a contribution to the day and provide a learning experience for my colleagues? Identify which topic you have selected to your Nurse Educator by the date requested (email/teams document will be created with deadline) Performance criteria 1 Introduce the reader to the chosen topic. Provide a synopsis of the topic and draw on evidence to explain the relevance to the nursing role in your clinical setting. Provide an overview of your chosen topic –ensure this is clear and comprehensive (best to assume your audience has never heard of this topic before!) Describe how this is relevant to the nurse’s role –why does the nurse need this know about this? Use the literature to support your discussion, is this best practice, if so how/why? Aim 7-10 mins for this section Performance criteria 2 Discuss nursing considerations that could influence best health outcomes for mental health consumers regarding this topic. Critique the latest evidence to support your discussion What is pertinent information for the nurse to know regarding this topic? How does application of this influence health outcomes for mental health consumers? This section requires an emphasis on critiquing and synthesising the evidence base surrounding your topic, so a lot of your information will come from examining the evidence base. Are there any barriers to implementation? If so, are there proposed strategies to address barriers? Aim 7-10 mins for this section Performanc e criteria 3 Consider the ethical and/or legal practice implications for your chosen topic. Are there any ethical implications for this topic? Are there any legal implications for this topic? (consider legislation such as MHA 2016, Human Rights Act 2019 etc) What are these and why are these important? How do these implications impact on practice and patient care? What is important for the nurse to have an understanding of? Aim 3 –5 minutes for this section Performance criteria 3 Performance criteria 4 Critically reflect on your experience of working collaboratively with mental health consumers relating to the chosen topic. Emphasis here is reflection, this is where you apply yourexperience in practice to the topic What was your experience when applying this topic to your practice? How did this impact on working collaboratively with your consumers? Did it aid in working collaboratively or did it provide challenges? It is likely there were challenges experienced, so ensure you include in your reflection how you addressed these Aim 3 –5 minutes for this section Performance criteria 5 Delivers a professional and engaging presentation to your peers which is supported by contemporary research. Adheres to time limit. Important to demonstrate confidence in the material you are delivering Consider a variety of mediums to engage your audience (i.e. activities, quizzes, brief videos, scenarios, role play etc) Literature used to support must be credible and relevant and synthesised comprehensively into discussion Need to adhere to time limit. If you go under it is likely you have not demonstrated sufficient depth in the topic. If you go over, this indicates limitations in sufficiently synthesising information Performance criteria 6 Develop a written abstract summarising oral presentation and synthesising focused discussion topics, incorporating the evidence base appropriately The written abstract provides a clear summary of the oral presentation and information is synthesised comprehensively Use of professional and recovery orientated language Adheres to word count and APA referencing (in text and reference list) To be submitted through Turnitin Tips! When developing your discussion start with a literature search Make sure you consider the quality of sources used, this strengthens your knowledge AND the quality of your work Practice your oral, this will help in your confidence in your content and manage your timings Be creative! You need to demonstrate knowledge of the topic but howyou choose to do this is where you can be creative Ask for help –Education team is here to help and make sure you’re on the right path Time management is important, make sure you know your due dates and plan well to this time Proof read your work –ensuring good sentence and paragraph structure goes a long way in ensuring that your key points are clearly conveyed to the listener Slide 1: Assessment 2.1 Guide Slide 2: Overview Slide 3: Overview Slide 4: How to select a topic Slide 5: Performance criteria 1 Slide 6: Performance criteria 2 Slide 7: Performance criteria 3 Slide 8: Performance criteria 4 Slide 9: Performance criteria 5 Slide 10: Performance criteria 6 Slide 11: Tips! Overview of the Act - Mental Health Act 2016 - Fact sheet Mental Health Act 2016 Fact Sheet Overview of the Act Objects and Principles The objects of the Act are to be achieved in a way that:  safeguards the rights of persons  adversely affects a person’s rights and liberties only to the extent necessary, and  promotes patient recovery. Strengthened patient rights Patient rights are strengthened by:  enabling a person to be treated without consent under a treatment authority only if the person lacks capacity (and therefore is unable to make decisions) and there is a serious risk of harm or deterioration  requiring a person to be treated under an advance health directive, or with the consent of an attorney or guardian (and not under a treatment authority) if the person’s treatment needs can be met that way  requiring persons on treatment authorities to be placed on a community category unless the person’s treatment needs cannot be met that way  providing a right for a patient, or someone on the patient’s behalf, to seek an independent second opinion if there are unresolved concerns about the patient’s treatment and care  establishing a patient’s right to communicate by phone or electronic device while an inpatient, unless there is a risk to the patient or others  the right for a patient to be visited by family, carers and other support persons at any reasonable time, unless it would cause risk to the patient, and  the right for a patient to be visited by a health practitioner or a legal adviser. The chief psychiatrist is required to prepare a Statement of Rights. Independent Patient Rights Advisers All public sector mental health services have appointed an Independent Patient Rights Adviser (or advisers) to advise patients and patients’ families, carers and other support persons of their rights under the Act. Advisers may be appointed in an external agency (such as a non-government organisation) or in a Hospital and Health Service, but not in a mental health service. Strengthened role for support persons A person may appoint one or two nominated support persons to support the person if the person becomes an involuntary patient. A nominated support person:  must receive all notices that are given to the patient  may discuss confidential information about the patient with the treating team, and  may support the patient, or represent the patient, at hearings of the Mental Health Review Tribunal, and  may request a psychiatrist report if the person is charged with a ‘serious offence’. Authorised doctors are required to discuss treatment and care with family, carers and other support persons, unless specific exceptions apply. Written notices may be given to support persons. Examinations Examination authorities are made by the Mental Health Review Tribunal. An examination authority gives power to enter premises and examine a person without consent. Reasonable attempts must have been made to encourage the person to be treated voluntarily, unless such attempts are not practicable. Advice from a health practitioner must be included in an application for an examination authority. Emergency examination authorities are made under the Public Health Act 2005, to deal with persons who are at immediate risk of serious harm due to a major disturbance in the person’s mental capacity, whether caused by illness, disability, injury, intoxication or another reason. - 2 - The emergency examination authority provisions authorise a police or ambulance officer to take a person to a hospital or other place for an examination. Classified patients A person in custody (in prison, a youth detention centre or a watch-house) who becomes acutely unwell may need to be transferred to an authorised mental health service for treatment and care as a ‘classified patient’. The chief psychiatrist is to be notified if a person is not transferred from a place of custody to an authorised mental health service for treatment and care as a classified patient within 72 hours of a recommendation being made. Treatment and care Authorised doctors must ensure patients receive timely, accurate and appropriate information about their treatment and care. Authorised doctors must ensure that the treatment and care provided to a patient is, and continues to be, appropriate to the patient’s needs and in accordance with the Act. Authorised doctors are to record in the patient’s health records the treatment and care that is provided to a patient. Administrators of authorised mental health services must ensure auditable systems are in place for recording patients’ treatment and care. Administrators must also take reasonable steps to ensure that:  patients receive the treatment and care recorded in the patients’ records  the other treatment and care needs of patients are met, and  the treatment and care of patients is in accordance with the Act. Restrictive practices Safeguards are strengthened in the use of restrictive practices by:  enabling the chief psychiatrist to issue directions on the use of seclusion in an authorised mental health service  requiring chief psychiatrist approval for all uses of mechanical restraint  introducing ‘reduction and elimination plans’ to allow the chief psychiatrist to approve seclusion or mechanical restraint within a plan for its reduction and elimination for the patient  strengthening time limits on the use of seclusion and mechanical restraint on a patient  introducing restrictions on the use of physical restraint, by requiring approval for its use, unless urgent or other specific circumstances apply, and  requiring medications, such as sedation, only to be used where it is clinically necessary for the patient’s treatment and care. Psychiatrist reports Persons on an authority or order charged with a ‘serious offence’ will be offered a free psychiatrist report. A ‘serious offence’ is an indictable offence, other than an offence that must be heard by a magistrate (e.g. common assault). A request for a report may also be made be a nominated support person, lawyer, parent, guardian or attorney. Mental Health Court The Mental Health Court’s jurisdiction primarily relates to ‘serious offences’, which aligns with the criminal jurisdiction. A community category is established for forensic orders, where treatment in the community is over 7 days. A maximum 10-year non-revocation period for forensic orders may be set by the Court for the most serious offences, such as murder, manslaughter and rape. The Court may recommend intervention programs for persons on forensic orders, such as a drug and alcohol program. A less intensive form of order – a ‘treatment support order’ – may be made by the Court. Under this order, the Court and the Tribunal do not limit treatment in the community. The Court is assisted by ‘assistant clinicians’, who are psychiatrists and persons with a background in the care of persons with an intellectual disability. The Court may be assisted by only one assisting clinician where it is appropriate to do so. - 3 - Victims of unlawful acts The Act includes principles in relation to victims of unlawful acts, to guide persons responsible for administering the Act. Government agencies are permitted to exchange information to enable the Queensland Health Victim
Answered Same DayMay 25, 2024

Answer To: Oral presentation topicAlcohol and Other Drugs assessment7 slides of presentationAnd also add notes...

Dilpreet answered on May 25 2024
14 Votes
Alcohol and Other Drug Assessment         2
Disorder related with
alcohol and abuse of other substances is one of the major issues being faced by the society. The individuals, who face such disorders are impacted mentally, physically, and emotionally. Therefore, it is vital to come up with assessment of alcohol abuse and abuse of other drugs to help individuals recover from such situations and to make society a better place to live in. Assessment in such situations helps to determine the causes behind such disorders. These causes can be mental health issues, trauma, depression, family situations, as well as peer influence. The presentation highlights the assessment tools, methodologies, and the implications it has on the health of the patients.
Alcohol and other drug assessment focuses on the primary cause of the drug or alcohol abuse. The causes identified can be mental health issues, trauma, depression, family problems, or peer influence. Furthermore, the methodologies adopted for assessment helps to determine the...

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