Option I: Choose one of the topics given below and follow the instructions for completing the assignment. Note: if you choose a topic that involves the application of literary devices, do not use...

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Option I:Choose one of the topics given below and follow the instructions for completing the assignment. Note: if you choose a topic that involves the application of literary devices, do not use valuable space in the essay to define those terms. The reader is assumed to be familiar with them.

  1. Read some of the prose fromWhitman'sSpecimen Days.Compare/contrast some of the assigned poetry with his prose. Go beyond a simple content comparison--think about how the writings address the same topics, the tone, the literary devices, etc.

  2. Compare the depiction of Indians in earlier works by Mary Rowlandson, William Bradford, John Smith, and others with how the Indians present themselves in the speeches and tales. How do you account for the different perspectives (beyond the obvious reasons)? This topic is deceptively simple. There are two parts --the settlers'/explorers' perceptions AND the natives' perceptions of themselves in THEIR OWN writings/speeches/oral traditions. Be sure not to focus on just one aspect and be sure you are not simply providing a biography.

  3. Compare/contrast Poe's "Fall of the House of Usher" with Hawthorne's "Rappaccini's Daughter". Do not focus on content or plot. Think about literary techniques employed, characteristics of Romanticism they share, style, etc.

  4. Examine the point of view (narrator's perspective- first-person narrator, third-person narrator, limited omniscient, objective, or others) in Rebecca Harding Davis’ work. This discussion is an analysis of the narration, NOT a retelling of the plot. Examine "why" and "how" the narration influences the reading of a particular reading. DO NOT RETELL THE PLOT.

  5. Compare/contrast Frederick Douglass'slave narrative to Emerson's "Self-Reliance". In other words, what are Emerson's principles of self-reliance, and how does Douglass'narrative reflect those principles?

  1. You MUST create an "Outline" page for your Critical Paper. Review the "Outline and MLA Format Sample" to see the required format.

  2. The Critical Paper should be 4-6 pages long, double-spaced entirely using Times New Roman 12-point font or Courier New 11-point.

  3. Cite at least two authoritative critical books, articles, commentaries, or essays (besides your textbook) which also interpret and comment on your assigned selection. In your "Works Cited" page, remember to include your textbook(s) as a source(s), besides the two (or more) outside sources you consult. NOTE: You are responsible for properly identifying an internet source with its correct internet address (URL). Further, if the source comes from a paid subscription site, ie., one that cannot be accessed, you are responsible for either:

    1. Providing the information to enter the source's site to view the original source, or

    2. Furnishing anexact copyof the original source through a printed copy of it or a screen capture.Failure to furnish such accurate source information when your instructor requests it is grounds for plagiarism.

  4. The "Outline" and "Works Cited" pages are not counted as part of your critical paper.

  5. MLA format should be used for the entire paper. You may also refer to relevant MLA sites or do a search for MLA format. Select the links below to learn how to format your paper properly, following the MLA guidelines:

  6. Remember, this is an English class. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation count! Use academic English: no contractions, slang, or second person.

  7. The completed paper is to be submitted as a single document (outline, body of paper, and works cited page). Save your paper as a .rtf (rich text format) or .doc or .docx (MSWord format) before submitting. This ensures that no matter what word processing tool you use, your instructor will be able to open your paper. Properly name your file, for example, "LastnameCritPap2327". You may downloadMicrosoft Office 365for free.

  8. Your paper will be checked for plagiarism using SafeAssign or similar third parties to review and evaluate for originality and intellectual integrity. Plagiarized papers, whether intentional or simply due to ignorance will receive a total grade ofzero. Read the following information onplagiarism. Read the CTC English Department'sScholastic Honesty Statement.

Make CTC Library's online databases your first stop for research. You can access these databases anywhere, anytime throughCTC's Library website.

Answered Same DayMar 23, 2021

Answer To: Option I: Choose one of the topics given below and follow the instructions for completing the...

Moumita answered on Mar 27 2021
136 Votes
Running Head: WHITMAN'S SPECIMEN DAYS             1
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Discussion    3
Conclusion    3
References    4
In this current work, among all other topics, the one which is taken
into consideration for is the Whitman’s Specimen Days. This work will be based on the aspects of the comparison between the prose and the poetry of this great personality. The comparison features are, how the quality of the tone of the prose is better or deficient than the poetries composed by him. The various literary devices employed by the prise is applied in the poetry or any other form of literary device is being used, is the major form of discussion. There will be a comparison of the number of prose which has brought him critical acclaim and awards and the poetry which does not get that much of success. Moreover, the assignment will be a suitable analysis of the contrasting stereo-typing and characteristics of the prose and the poetry of the Whitman. The current assignment will be divided into five paragraphs which will deliver meaningful explanation of the contrasting characteristic of hid work and that can be of help to the students of the literature and also for the common human beings. The assignment will conclude with a brief summarization of the topic which will be mentioned above.
The great personality What Whitman is an American poet and a popular essayist of the 1980s. He was mainly a human being torn between the aspects of the transcendentalism and the realism. He came up with both of the views in his works. He is recognized as the father of the free verse. He acquired this name through his efforts in the works. His works were regarded as most controversial during his time of composition of poetry. His poetry such as the Leaves of Grass is the one which acquired fame at first, but later termed as obscene with overtly sexual features (Whitman & Preuschen, 2018). This is the first publication of his poetry which came out in 1855 with his own expenses. The collection of his work was purely epic in tone. Then came out his two famous poems such as O Captain! My Captain” and “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d”. These poems were enough to keep the competitive factor with his prose collection of Specimen days. The main thinking which always there in the mindset of the poet is to make comparative study of his poetry and prose in the society. This is only done by him, in order to check which of his collection are gladly accepted by the mankind.
The prose which...

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