Onshore Bank has $39 million in assets, with risk-adjusted assets of $29 million. Core Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital is $1,350,000, additional Tier I capital is $550,000, and Tier Il capital is...

Onshore Bank has $39 million in assets, with risk-adjusted assets of $29<br>million. Core Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital is $1,350,000, additional Tier I<br>capital is $550,000, and Tier Il capital is $438,000. The current value of the<br>CET1 ratio is 4.66 percent, the Tier I ratio is 6.55 percent, and the total capital<br>ratio is 8.06 percent.<br>Calculate the new value of CET1, Tier I, and total capital ratios for the<br>following transactions.<br>a. The bank issues $2.9 million in nonqualifying perpetual preferred stock<br>and purchases general obligation municipal bonds.<br>%<br>%<br>%<br>CET1 ratio<br>Tier I ratio<br>Total capital ratio<br>

Extracted text: Onshore Bank has $39 million in assets, with risk-adjusted assets of $29 million. Core Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital is $1,350,000, additional Tier I capital is $550,000, and Tier Il capital is $438,000. The current value of the CET1 ratio is 4.66 percent, the Tier I ratio is 6.55 percent, and the total capital ratio is 8.06 percent. Calculate the new value of CET1, Tier I, and total capital ratios for the following transactions. a. The bank issues $2.9 million in nonqualifying perpetual preferred stock and purchases general obligation municipal bonds. % % % CET1 ratio Tier I ratio Total capital ratio

Jun 11, 2022

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