ONLY NEED TO DO ASSESSMENT TASK 02 & 03IN ASS TASK 02 : NO NEED TO WORRY ABOUT TEAMSjust do section 01 & 02 as mentioned in the assessment (task 01:no more than half page task 02:– Maximum one (1) page (single-sided, single spaced) each )
FNS40217 | BSBSMB412 Introduce Cloud Computing into Business Operations Trainer’s Guide | V 1.0 | Apr 2018 Assessment Task 1: Assessment Task Essay: Cloud Computing in Accounting: Risks and Challenges Schedule Due Week 6 Outcomes Assessed Performance Criteria: 1.3, 2.1, 2.4 Addresses some elements of required skills and knowledge as shown in the Assessment Matrix Description: Cloud computing accounting software is accounting software that is hosted on remote servers. It provides accounting capabilities to businesses in a fashion similar to the SaaS (Software as a Service) business model. Data is sent into "the cloud," where it is processed and returned to the user (Webopedia, 2018). Cloud accounting, however, is not without risk and there is a growing discussion on potential risks and challenges in the times ahead. In this essay, you will research and discuss fundamentals of cloud computing, and emerging issues of cloud computing within the accounting and finance sectors. You will need to structure your essay to discuss at least two contrasting views on potential risks and challenges for the sector from business point of view. You will draw your arguments and discussion on both the views from a wide range of published sources that provide an in-depth information and support. Essay should be built around the main topic and present your point of view in a logical flow supported by evidences/arguments/discussion from academic sources. Your trainer will guide you in planning and writing an effective essay. A well written essay would reflect new knowledge and a range of skills in in the subject area. The essay must be written in your own words and appropriate referencing and citation must be used in all external references (preferred: Harvard referencing system: Your trainer/assessor will provide you with referencing guidelines). There is no specific structure of essay, but it will be expected that you will present your essay with at least three identifiable sections; Introduction, body (main headings) and conclusion. The essay must contain sources/references from a wide range of publications including books, magazines, journals and online resources. Only online references will not be accepted. In an event where a book or a publication is accessed online or an electronic format, it should be appropriate referenced using the referencing guide. The essay must contain your own views on the topic and not just the review of the literature. The contents must be coherent and presented in a logical sequence (not just copy and paste from various sources) leading to a conclusion. You essay should cover, among other issues; Fundamentals of cloud computing and information sources Overview of the technologies available for the accounting field Emerging issues in cloud computing Potential challenges and risks – contrasting views The future of cloud computing in accounting FNS40217 | BSBSMB412 Introduce Cloud Computing into Business Operations Trainer’s Guide | V 1.0 | Apr 2018 There is no set format for the essay, but it will be expected that you will develop your essay in a coherent style while maintaining the logical flow of the contents. Headings and sub-headings can be used as needed. Use of real-life examples in support of your arguments is highly recommended. Word Limit: 2000 words Assessment Criteria The following assessment criteria will be used for marking this assessment task. Ensure that you have addressed all of the criteria in your work. Structure and presentation of the essay Coherence and logical flow of essay contents A comprehensive discussion on concept and fundamentals of cloud computing Relevance and linkage to accounting and finance operations Extent of information sources and technological review Contrasting views on implementation and supporting arguments Bringing the concepts of cloud computing, accounting processes and technological possibilities for the sector together in a rational construct Depth and scope of emerging issues identified Contrasting theories presented – maintaining accounting context and application Originality and uniqueness in writing Concise analysis of literature/theory in own words Own take on the topic and opinions on issues Strength of the issues identified, discussed Relevance of the issues identified and discussed to the topic Conclusion and closing remarks Range of references used to support the arguments Appropriate referencing Submission Guidelines Submit: A soft copy of the essay with Unit cover sheet FNS40217 | BSBSMB412 Introduce Cloud Computing into Business Operations Trainer’s Guide | V 1.0 | Apr 2018 Assessment Task 2: Assessment Task Conduct a Business Needs Analysis Schedule Week 6 Outcomes Assessed Performance Criteria: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.2 Addresses some elements of required skills and knowledge as shown in the Assessment Matrix Description: Note to Trainers/Assessors: Please provide different case organisations to each group to encourage distinctive and a wide range to responses across different organisation types. Any organisational profile/context can be selected for this task. However, a focus on cloud computing from the accounting perspective should be encouraged to maintain relevance to this unit. Also, with a focus on this major project due at the end of the term, appropriate time should be allocated in each learning session for the project and group work, helping the groups to progress as the term progresses. Time should also be allocated for presentations at the end of the term. As the project tasks are progressive, teams should be formed early in the term and allowed to establish and work together. A Business Needs Analysis is an activity that helps identify business needs and accordingly determine solutions to business problems. A business needs analysis aims to identify the changes to an organisation that are required for it to achieve strategic goals. Within the context of this unit, the needs analysis in this task will focus on the needs of an accounting firm for a cloud-based solution. For the purpose of this task, a sample business This assessment task is being given as a team project. A team of up to four (4) members with diverse skill sets should be formed at the beginning of the project. With a view to use the project to simulate a real-life exercise, teams will play the role of a Management Project Team working in the given case organisation/profile. The trainer/assessor can nominate group roles and set the project in motion. For simulation purpose, the trainer will play the role of the Project Manager. The project must first be discussed and approved by the trainer/assessor in the given role play. Company background and scenario are given below. Background and Context: Creative Accounting is an accounting consulting and services company established in 2008, with the aim of providing accounting and taxation advice and services to individuals and businesses in Sydney, Australia. The company is based in Sydney CBD and employs a team of approximately 16 accounting professionals managed by two partners. Services cover areas such as business consultation and advice, business planning, tax preparation, BAS preparation, bookkeeping services, financial accounts preparation and reporting, and auditing. FNS40217 | BSBSMB412 Introduce Cloud Computing into Business Operations Trainer’s Guide | V 1.0 | Apr 2018 For the last few years, the company has been using a custom-built accounting software package that has worked well for delivering companies services. The company has over 50 permanent clients and approximately 10 new clients each year. However, with the advent of new technologies, and with a view to provide mobile accounting and computing solutions to its business clients, the company has increasingly become aware of the need to implement new technological solutions. In particular, the company aims to; Allow their client to submit their financial data and information online Allow clients to access their data anywhere anytime Sharing of reports and data Clients able to have an overview of their business financial position in real-time Increased productivity and security With the above aims, the company has set up a project team to investigate and suggest viable solutions. The company requires that; All new projects are based on a business case Project must justify the business needs and benefits Project Manager must approve all the new projects A cost-benefit analysis must justify the new implementation/change Risk must be highlighted and discussed At least two proposed solutions with the relevant information must be proposed A preliminary budget must be prepared for the propose change A briefing and training session must be conducted as part of implementation. Accordingly, your team has been given the task to first identify and evaluate business needs for a proposed solution. Note: Your team will be working throughout the unit in the same given role within the above organisational context. Ensure that you plan ahead and maintain an effective record of all team work throughout. Task: You project team (roleplay) has been given the task to; 1) Conduct a meeting with the Project Manager and confirm the scope of the tasks (provide summary meeting points in your report) 2) Prepare a Needs Analysis, which will include; a. Over of company operations and specific operational requirements b. Analysis of current technological environment and future needs c. Technological needs to achieve the aims/goals d. Suggest viable solutions You will need to produce a word-processed needs analysis report that addresses and organises the above information in a logical order. The above areas can be converted into appropriate headings. Each section should be appropriately organised and structured with supporting information. There is no word limit, but it is expected that each part will be articulated in sufficient detail to be able to form an analytical perspective. To be written using A4 sheets, single-spaced; As a guide the following can be used to determine the section lengths; FNS40217 | BSBSMB412 Introduce Cloud Computing into Business Operations Trainer’s Guide | V 1.0 | Apr 2018 Section 1 – no more than