Quiz 4 SU3 Math 131 Name: Quiz 4 (Chapter 5) Total Points: 20 INSTRUCTIONS: Show all your work and good luck. Use the Genius Scan app to scan your completed quiz, then submit the pdf under the...

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Only 8 statistics question. Need by eastern standard time( New Jersey) 11 pm

Quiz 4 SU3 Math 131 Name: Quiz 4 (Chapter 5) Total Points: 20 
 INSTRUCTIONS: Show all your work and good luck. Use the Genius Scan app to scan your completed quiz, then submit the pdf under the Assignments tab in Canvas by 11:59pm on Thursday, July 30th. Round all solutions to the hundredths place. Write down all computations you have a calculator perform. 1. Suppose Professor Poinsett’s commute times to the Freehold campus distribute approximately normally      with a mean time of 51 minutes and a standard deviation of 6.3 minutes. a. Draw an accurate sketch of the distribution of commute times. Be sure to                    label the mean, as well as the points one and two standard deviations away           from the mean. (3pts)
 b. On a randomly chosen work day, what’s the likelihood he made it in less than 50 minutes? (3pts)
 c. In a sample of 25 randomly chosen workdays, what’s the likelihood Professor Poinsett made it to work           in less than 50 minutes on average? (3pts)
 d. Which probability in parts b. and c. above is smaller and why? (2pts)
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 e. On a randomly chosen work day, what’s the likelihood he made it in more than an hour? (3pts)
 f. On a randomly chosen work day, what’s the chance he made it between 45 and 55 minutes? (3pts)
 g. Suppose Professor Poinsett loses his cool in the top 2% of commute times. At what drive time does           he start to lose his cool? I suggest drawing a graph. (3pts) 
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Answered Same DayJul 30, 2021

Answer To: Quiz 4 SU3 Math 131 Name: Quiz 4 (Chapter 5) Total Points: 20 INSTRUCTIONS: Show all your work and...

Rajeswari answered on Jul 31 2021
140 Votes
Quiz 4 assignment
b) Given that X is N (51, 6.3)
Hence P(X<50) = P(Z<
c) When sample si
ze is 25, we get std deviation changing to
Hence P(X<50) = P(Z<
d) Prob in c is smaller because when n increases std dev decreases and this in turn decreases z in negative value. So probability under the curve below that would be...

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