On the midterm exam, you discussed two images separately and then compared and contrasted them in a separate section. Think of this final paper as
Click here for more on this paper…….Click here to have a similar A+ quality paper done for you by one of our writers within the set deadline at a discounteddrawing those three parts together in one paper. You will still discuss each image separately and you will still have a separate section for your
The only differences here are:
1. You will have a unifying introduction and conclusion that draws your paper together.
Click here for more on this paper…….Click here to have a similar A+ quality paper done for you by one of our writers within the set deadline at a discounted2. You will use outside resources to support and enrich your information, etc.
Here is what your paper should look like
SIDEBAR I t d t.
TIPS For Discussing Individual Images n Fo “C Ion
Introduce the images
Develop a thesis statement;
Click here for more on this paper…….Click here to have a similar A+ quality paper done for you by one of our writers within the set deadline at a discountedthis tells the
CULTURAL ooNrrExrr: reader what the paper is going to be about.
what country? where was it made? e.g. As we will see lay examining these images, l3icasso and
What was going oh historically? Matisse share similar influences and some similar
ideas or philosophies ihiltiohoihg artists? approaches and yet their artistic goals and resultant
Click here for more on this paper…….Click here to have a similar A+ quality paper done for you by one of our writers within the set deadline at a discountedSocial Or issues? Wol‘k Were Cllllte dlfferent.
Other artists/art movements influential? Just like
the Midterm!
Fully discuss first image in terms of its cultural
STYLE context and stylistic significance.
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Materials? Just like
Theme? What’s the work about? PART ii on
How does the artist use color? Shape? the Midterm;
Representational? Non Objective? Fully discuss second image in terms of its
(use relevant Vocabulary!) cultural context & stylistic significance. (sidebar)
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I-llow did the cgntelct aflgeft Comparison the Midterm!
t e Sty e t at We ope ‘ Consider any relevant similarities and / or
differences in the artists’ beliefs and goals.
If the historical period is significantly similar or
RELATE TO THE SPECIFIC IMAGE! different, discuss that as well.
How does the image reflect the Consider basic formal differences: such as
Click here for more on this paper…….Click here to have a similar A+ quality paper done for you by one of our writers within the set deadline at a discountedCont€Xt and SW13? Why is it 3 80051 mediums and materials used, color, shape, line,
example of its art movement? em
Conclusion; tie back into the thesis.
e.g. As we can see from this analysis, while Picasso and Matisse
were both influenced by Cezanne and African art, and while both
artists wanted to emphasize the 2-dimensional nature of the
canvas, their artistic goals led them to create very difierent
works of art.
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