On last assignment you helped me for an informative speechand the topic was Living Longer Healthier Life. This week I have to prepare apersuasive speech and there is a speech outline template need...

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On last assignment you helped me for an informative speech and the topic was Living Longer Healthier Life. This week I have to prepare a persuasive speech and there is a speech outline template need to be complete as well. Persuasive speech has to have same topic as informative speech. So please write the speech for me along with the speech template.

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Assignment 2: Persuasive Speech Part I: Outline Complete the Speech Outline Template(see attached file) for your persuasive speech. Comment on the visual aids, speech content, and references that you used for your speech. Submit your outline to the W5: Assignment 2 Dropbox. Part II: Persuasive Speech By Saturday, March 23, 2013, record and post your persuasive speech to the W5: Assignment 2 Dropbox. Your speech should be at least five minutes in length. Review the checklist of criteria for a good quality persuasive speech to be sure you remembered everything. Persuasive Speech Checklist Was the speech designed to affect a belief or to move to action? Was the reasoning clear? Were there supporting facts from third parties? Was the speech well organized and presented? Was emotion used effectively? Was the speech ethical? Was the speaker credible? Was the speaker prepared? Were visual aids effective and used well? Were the main points well made? Was there a good introduction? Was there a good conclusion? Was there good nonverbal (body) language? Did the speaker use good voice tone, inflection, and volume? How was the overall quality and effectiveness? Was the speech at least five minutes in length? Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Submitted a completed Speech Outline Template to the Dropbox. 50 The speech was designed to affect a belief or to move to action. 15 The reasoning in the speech was clear. 15 The speaker used supporting facts from third parties. 15 The speech was well organized and presented. 15 Emotion was used effectively. 15 The speech was ethical. 15 The speaker was credible. 15 The speaker was prepared. 15 Visual aids were effective and used well. 15 The main points were well made. 15 The speaker gave a good introduction. 10 The speaker gave a good conclusion. 10 The speaker used appropriate voice tone, inflection, and volume. 10 The overall quality and effectiveness was good. 10 The speech was at...

Answered Same DayDec 22, 2021

Answer To: On last assignment you helped me for an informative speechand the topic was Living Longer Healthier...

David answered on Dec 22 2021
131 Votes
Title: Living Longer Healthier Life
General Purpose: To Persuade
Specific purpose: To persuade my audience to live healthy and longer life
Abstract: The persuasive speech
explains the audience about various ways for leading a healthy and longer life. To persuade the audience about the facts and importance of having a healthy diet on time, proper and sound sleep, stress controlling techniques like exercise, yoga, etc. They are discussed with the following headline and sequence:
Healthy and Longer life
Healthy diet on time
Proper sleep
Stress control
Attention getting statement: Just ask yourself, “Have we got healthy habits in our life? Are we healthy? How many of them do not drink coke here? How many of them hit bed on time? Questions are many but no immediate answers.. Least today.. lets think!!
Establish credibility: Henry Ward Beecher (1813 – 1887) – a prominent, social reformer, abolitionist, and speaker “The body is like a piano, and happiness is like music. It is needful to have the instrument in good order”
Relevancy statement: The fact everybody should accept is, ‘individuals are responsible for their own destiny’. Thus we should be responsible for our own happy life by following healthy habits.
Central Idea: Lack of healthy diet is harmful to our health. Our investment towards life is sound health which will yield good returns of wealth.
Healthy and Longer life
Sound Health is important to people’s life. Making a lifestyle healthy makes you feel happy and content about yourself. Thus, I took up this topic and giving suggestions that all of us must try our best to live a happy life by adopting healthy habits. We all of us got...

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