Older Adult Flexibility Observe the following in two or three older adults and report your findings. 1. When seated on the floor with his back against a wall, can the individual keep the knee of the...

Older Adult Flexibility

Observe the following in two or three older adults and report your findings.

1. When seated on the floor with his back against a wall, can the individual keep the knee of the extended leg flat on the floor as he draws the lower portion of his other leg up against the thigh?

2. Can she raise her arms overhead, fingers pointing to the ceiling, to be even with or behind the ears?

3. When standing facing you, can he keep his elbows tucked in and turn his palms to face you?

4. In a standing position, can she link her hands behind her back and raise them up away from her back to a level even with her waist?

Did the individuals pass or fail all four items? Ask individuals about their favorite activities and see if you can account for the maintenance of flexibility by matching body areas to those activities.

May 04, 2022

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