Old Faithful? Does the duration of an eruption have an effect on the length of time that elapses before the next eruption? a) The histogram below shows the duration (in minutes) of those 222...

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Old Faithful? Does the duration of an eruption have an effect on the length of time that elapses before the next eruption?

a) The histogram below shows the duration (in minutes) of those 222 eruptions. Describe this distribution.

b) Explain why it is not appropriate to find summary statistics for this distribution.

c) Let’s classify the eruptions as “long” or “short,” depending upon whether or not they last at least 3 minutes. Describe what you see in the comparative boxplots.

Answered 76 days AfterMay 05, 2022

Answer To: Old Faithful? Does the duration of an eruption have an effect on the length of time that elapses...

Jisha answered on Jul 20 2022
87 Votes
Old Faithful?
Does the duration of an eruption have an effect on the length of time that elapses b
efore the next eruption?
a) The histogram below shows the duration (in minutes) of those 222 eruptions. Describe this distribution.
From the histogram, we can get an idea that the erruption time is between 1.6 to 5.4 minutes. The peak of the eruptions occurs roughly in 1.9 minutes and 4.6 minutes, i.e., there are two subgroups in the data with a small gap in 2.8 to 3.2 minutes. So we conclude that the distribution of duration of an eruption is a bimodal or double peaked distribution.
b) Explain why it is not appropriate to find summary statistics for this distribution.
As we mentioned in part (a) , the...

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