ok so i,ve attached a file, and there is a case study in that. please stuudy that and you need to answer 9 questions which are under the procedure section. Dont worry about the specification section....

ok so i,ve attached a file, and there is a case study in that. please stuudy that and you need to answer 9 questions which are under the procedure section. Dont worry about the specification section. plzz carefully read the advertisment for the sustainability project officer position because you will be acting as a sustaninablity project officer and plzz use the numbers which are given in the data for example how the company can increase their profits and how they can decrease thier expenses. Now the first question under the procedure section where you need to provideall legislative and regulatory documents that describe compliance requirements for this company can be found on the google and those are THE ENVIRONMENT PROTETION AND BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION ACT 1999 AND THE ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM STANDARD 2004. you need to explain these regulations and link with the company which is in the case study you can find these two rules on google easily.

2nd question you need to doResearch best practice models used by theatres and performance spaces. ( you can only answer this question if you will read the case study properly)3rd question same you can answer if you will read the case study4th question in this question you need to mention that you have 2 or 3 policies for sustanability of the company but you will choose one which has more profit and less cost ( you can mention that you can increase the profits with the government grants and subsidies which is in the table in $85000 to $100000 and you can also mention that it has less expenses like electricity and we can save electricity expense by educating the employees of the company by not leaving the air conditioner on when they left the company building, we can also install solar panels to reduce the electricity cost.5th question- it will be the policy which you will mention in question 4. the answer to the subpoints are (5a) scope of policy applies to the company, employees, managemant and the audience in the theater, here you will write the relevant standards which i mentioned in question number 1.(5b) here is the answer, you just need to write this.

Tiny Opera has a commitment to minimising environmental impact by:

● using resources wisely

● encouraging visitors to consider sustainability

● focusing on appropriate management principles.

XXXXXXXXXXWe seek to improve social, economic, cultural and environmental benefits in our decision-making.

(5c) you can answer this by reading case study because once you read the case study you will come to know where there is need to be improvement.

(6a) in this question you can talk aboutbarriers like company has less money, small budget, employees and management. possible stratergies to ovrcome these barriers can be inclusive, engage management and staff, do some surveys in public, communicate with everyone, manage budget and talk to government for more grants.

7th question you need to update the policy according to the aggreement which you specified in the policy. for example how you will manage to reduce the expenses and how you will talk to employees, management, public.

(8a) here you need to mention the legislations which you will answer in the first question.

(8b) read the case study to answer this and use your knowledge

(8c) stratergies for promoting awareness can be like do opublic survey about company, send pamplets to houses, meetings with staff and management, incentives to staff.

(8d)answer of this queston is in the question for example training to staff, marketing of the policy share and stakeholders engagement.

so i,ve basically gave you a hint and soe points about what to write in what question, so please do some research and explain the points which i gave you as a hint.

i hope you will do a good job.

thank you.

Develop policy

Submission details

Candidate’s name

Assessor’s name

Assessment site

Assessment date/s                         Time/s

The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.

Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.

Performance objective

In this assessment task, you will need to demonstrate the skills required to review and develop policies.

You will need to consult with the business manager to develop a sustainability policy that is consistent with organisational approaches to sustainability and complies with legislative and regulatory requirements.

Assessment description

You have been hired as the new environment officer at Tiny Opera Company. You will need to review the Tiny Opera Company case study including their sustainability policy. You need to determine the shortfalls between the sustainability approach and the practices required of Tiny Opera Company and develop the sustainability policy to reflect those requirements.

You will need to present draft policy documents to the Business Manager (your assessor) to agree on the final policy document.


1.            Review the case study information provided and determine all legislative and regulatory documents that describe compliance requirements for this company.

2.            Research best practice models used by theatres and performance spaces.

3.            Develop three options for the direction and focus of the policy and consider the likely effectiveness, timeframe and cost of implementing the option. Write summaries of each option to present in your consultation with the Business Manager (your assessor).

4.            Meet with the Business Manager (your assessor) to consult on the policy options and decide on the preferred option.

5.            Draft a sustainability policy for Tiny Opera Company based on your research, the company information provided and your consultation session. Ensure that you:

a.            specify the scope of the policy (who it applies to, relevant standards and legislation)

b.            outline Tiny Opera Company’s  commitment to the policy

c.             address areas of sustainability that Tiny Opera Company specifically wants to focus on.

6.            Meet with Business Manager (your assessor) to discuss:

a.            typical barriers to sustainability policy implementation and possible strategies to address barriers

b.            the process you are taking to develop the policy

c.             the draft policy and gain approval for your draft.

7.            Update your draft policy according to agreements that you made in consultation with the Business Manager.

8.            Collate your research into legislation and best practice models and the sustainability policy you have developed into an interim report that includes:

a.            an outline of the environmental and sustainability legislation that applies to Tiny Opera Company

b.            an explanation of how you developed a sustainability policy that reflects Tiny Opera Company’s commitment to sustainability

c.             strategies for promoting awareness of the sustainability policy

d.            strategies for maximising the impact of the policy (training, marketing, stakeholder engagement).

9.            Submit the report, and the final version of the sustainability policy, to your assessor. Ensure you keep copies for your records.


You must provide:

●             three policy option summaries

●             draft sustainability policy

●             an interim report that includes:

○             an outline of the environmental and sustainability legislation that applies to Tiny Opera Company

○             an explanation of how you developed a sustainability policy that reflects Tiny Opera Company’s commitment to sustainability

○             strategies for promoting awareness of the sustainability policy

○             strategies for maximising the impact of the policy (training, marketing, stakeholder engagement)

●             final version of the sustainability policy.

Your assessor will be looking for:

●             reading skills to interpret documents to determine legislative requirements

●             writing skills to prepare documents appropriate to the context and audience

●             oral communication skills to:

○             present information and seek advice using questioning and listening skills

○             use appropriate conventions when communicating with stakeholders

●             numeracy skills related to timeframe and costs of policy options

●             work skills to:

○             modify policies and procedures

○             lead consultation with stakeholders

○             plan work activities of yourself and others

○             systematically gather information, set goals and evaluate options

●             knowledge of applicable environmental or sustainability legislation

●             knowledge of sources of information that can be used to plan and develop the organisation’s sustainability policy

●             knowledge of policy development processes and practices.

Adjustment for distance-based learners

●             Consultation with the Business Manager (your assessor) can be completed via videoconferencing technology (such as Skype) or via email as agreed with your assessor.

●             Documentation can be submitted electronically or posted in the mail.

●             A follow-up interview may be required (at the discretion of the assessor).

Case study – Tiny opera Company

The history of the Tiny Opera Company

Tiny Opera Company operates in a rural NSW town. Colleen Starr started the company after moving to the small town from Sydney in the late 1970s. Colleen wanted to bring the wonder and entertainment of theatre-based performances to rural NSW. Her vision was to create a regional theatre that emulated the Sydney Opera House; making theatre both accessible and valued in her town and the surrounding community. Stella’s idea and passion was shared by a wealthy landowner in the area who donated $2.3 million to support the purchase of a venue and the ongoing operation of the theatre. $1.3 million of this was invested in a trust which has been added to over the years that Tiny Opera Company has generated a profit.

Colleen Starr bought an old town hall that had been built in the early 1900s. The hall is listed on the State Heritage Register in NSW. Basic interior renovations were carried out to the stage, three dressing rooms, kitchen, break room, meeting room, food counter and ticketing booth including:

●             painting internal walls

●             installing wall-mounted radiators throughout the theatres, dressing rooms and break room

●             installing a dishwasher and oven in the kitchen

●             installing a wood heater in the meeting room.

Tiny Opera Company has staged regular performances in the theatre from the 1970s onwards.

Ten years ago, the Tiny Opera Company built a small office building to serve the growing number full time staff.

Tiny Opera Company today

The staff at Tiny Opera company currently include:

●             Stage Manager (part-time)

●             Director of Programming

●             Resident Designer (funded by a grant for three years)

●             Business Manager

●             Marketing Communications Manager (part-time)

●             Project Officers x 3 (part-time)

●             Customer Service Representatives x 2 (part-time).

This year, the Tiny Opera Company has added a position for a new environment officer. You have been hired as the new environment officer at Tiny Opera Company after responding to the following job advertisement.

You are inducted by Nic Tan, the Business Manager of Tiny Opera Company, who gives you an overview of how the company wants to approach sustainability.

In the last six months, Tiny Opera Company has been focusing on becoming a more sustainable operation. Nic Tan has reviewed some of the organisation’s operations and has observed that resource use in the theatre is not aligned with sustainable work practices being promoted at Tiny Opera Company.

Nic realises that this is at least partly due to the policy and procedure documents not reflecting industry requirements or reflecting Tiny Opera Company’s aim to increase sustainability across its operations. Nic wants you to update the sustainability policy to specifically reflect the sustainability aims of the business. Nic wants to focus on the following areas:

●             minimising resource use

●             using resources more efficiently

●             reducing toxic material and hazardous chemical use

●             employing life cycle management approaches

●             implementing a sustainability continuous improvement strategy.

Nic Tan also mentions that they need something in the policy that talks about measuring resource use and reviewing resource records periodically because that’s the main way that Tiny Opera Company will be monitoring their progress towards minimising resource use.

Tiny Opera Company has made an effort to improve sustainability by pursuing some new sustainability initiatives:

●             programming of all reverse-cycle air conditioners in the office to automatically switch off at 4.45 pm every day:

○             currently air-conditioners are manually switched off

○             it is the responsibility of the last staff member leaving each day to turn them all off – this is rarely done, and most commonly all air-conditioners are left running 24 hours per day.

●             better sorting of recyclable paper from general rubbish

●             using low VOC (volatile organic compound) paint when painting sets for performances to protect the health and safety of workers.

Tiny Opera Sustainability Policy

Tiny Opera has a commitment to minimising environmental impact by:

●             using resources wisely

●             encouraging visitors to consider sustainability

●             focusing on appropriate management principles.

We seek to improve social, economic, cultural and environmental benefits in our decision-making.

Nic Tan provides you with the budget for the previous few years as well as projections for next year. Nic points out that the marketing budget has already been increased to allow for marketing the new Tiny Opera Company sustainability initiatives. Nic Tan envisages that you will create sustainability policy options that fit within amount that is currently being generated as profit. Nic Tan points out that there is quite a fluctuation in the amount of profit generated, so you should use it as a rough guide. ‘Who knows’, says Nic Tan, ‘with an innovative sustainability plan, maybe you’ll even be able to generate some additional income by bringing bigger audiences to the Tiny Opera Company in support of our new, sustainable direction’.

Sustainability is a long-term goal at Tiny Opera Company, but Nic would like to see a couple of actions implemented within the next 12 months.

Tiny Opera Company

                2 years ago         Last year              This year              Next year (projected)

                $              $              $              $


Sales of goods and services         111,500 117,750 112,000 115,000

Venue hire         25,600   24,300   24,700   24,000

Grants  35,000   70,000   85,000   80,000

Philanthropy      75,500   74,750   72,000   72,000

Fundraising         3,300     6,500     5,800     4,500

Corporate partners         70,000   87,000   85,000   80,000

Investing activities           65,400   68,000   72,300   73,300

Total income      386,300 448,300 456,800 448,800


Wages and salaries          275,000 303,000 358,000 358,000

Utilities 7,672     8,472     8,672     8,800

Maintenance     1,825     869         765         1,000

Accounting expenses     1,500     1,500     1,750     1,750

Marketing           4,270     4,320     5,245     8,200

Performance costs          58,000   47,700   53,670   55,000

Miscellaneous   2,500     3,200     1,275     2,000

Total expenses 350,767 369,061 429,377 434,750

Profit/loss           35,533   79,239   27,423   14,050

May 18, 2022

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