O Agre Ohta Vican O Manw n hboduttenta ogranng ttos eringooknathmorks.com/und Nang e Simple Encryption Caesars opter a he srpest eneryoten agorttn. I ada a fad vatue ta the ASci unicodej vale of cach...

O Agre Ohta Vican<br>O Manw n<br>hboduttenta ogranng<br>ttos eringooknathmorks.com/und<br>Nang e<br>Simple Encryption<br>Caesars opter a he srpest eneryoten agorttn. I ada a fad vatue ta the ASci unicodej vale of cach charader of a tunt n other warta slets te charactera.<br>Deorptsg a tetis simpy shing t baokby ne sane ancur, thats, ksutetracs ne same vaue tom the characers. Wite atuncoon called caesar hat occepts wo<br>agumerts the trsis the daracter vedtnr in be mcntes, whin te seoond s the sht amoint The tuntion retums the output argumren coded, the maypted trat The hincin<br>needs da uok a the vtatle ASCi huders humapuce to. The ASCI codes ef hese ate 2 ough 125 the sttad code goes uubide of tha tunge, Eoud wap<br>around. For exampie, if we srit - by 1, he renut shoud be spoce. it we shin space by -1, the resut shouid be - Here are a tew thirgs you nay wart to try wh MATLAB betore<br>startng nn this asignent<br>dlel<br>32<br>Clet<br>char([s 6 a7)<br>ans<br>And hem ate a fa me ture<br>Ciesar('ARD,1)<br>ans-<br>Casar )<br>coesaraya1)<br>ens<br>

Extracted text: O Agre Ohta Vican O Manw n hboduttenta ogranng ttos eringooknathmorks.com/und Nang e Simple Encryption Caesars opter a he srpest eneryoten agorttn. I ada a fad vatue ta the ASci unicodej vale of cach charader of a tunt n other warta slets te charactera. Deorptsg a tetis simpy shing t baokby ne sane ancur, thats, ksutetracs ne same vaue tom the characers. Wite atuncoon called caesar hat occepts wo agumerts the trsis the daracter vedtnr in be mcntes, whin te seoond s the sht amoint The tuntion retums the output argumren coded, the maypted trat The hincin needs da uok a the vtatle ASCi huders humapuce to. The ASCI codes ef hese ate 2 ough 125 the sttad code goes uubide of tha tunge, Eoud wap around. For exampie, if we srit - by 1, he renut shoud be spoce. it we shin space by -1, the resut shouid be - Here are a tew thirgs you nay wart to try wh MATLAB betore startng nn this asignent dlel 32 Clet char([s 6 a7) ans And hem ate a fa me ture Ciesar('ARD,1) ans- Casar ) coesaraya1) ens

Jun 08, 2022

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