Number of words: XXXXXXXXXXnot including reference list Title : Achieving academic goals in a new learning environment: Saudi learners’ academic experiences at Australian institutions and universities...

Number of words: (900-100) not including reference list

Achieving academic goals in a new learning environment: Saudi learners’ academic experiences at Australian institutions and universities

Objective: (What aims does the work have)
- To find out what are the academic factors that enhance their academic performance.
- To find out what the challenges they find and what the learning strategies they use to adapt to the new learning environment.
- To find whether they view their English knowledge as one of the factors that affect their academic performance at university.
Synopsis:( Briefly describe the key aspects that will be investigating)

  • Saudi learners’ perceptions towards their academic performance

  • what are the facilities the find

  • What help them in achieving their academic goals

  • What are the difficulties they face and how they overcome them

Background and Literature Review: ( Describe what research has already been done in relation to the topic . Refer to recent research literature)
Significance: (Why is the topic important)

  • The academic factors that help them to achieve their academic goals and not found in Saudi universities can be implemented in Saudi Universities (such as the teaching methods – assessment)

  • By identifying the challenges and difficulties, the Saudi government can arrange some courses or special training for Saudi students before they come to Australia.

  • The results will shed lights whether Saudi learners view their English knowledge as one of the factors that affect their academic performance. and whether they need to be provided with more opportunities and encouraged to take more English courses related to their majors before commencing their studies at university.

  • …….(You can add any other relevant points)

Methodology: ( Approach or methodology to be used)
Integrated methods:
- Quantitative ( questionnaire )
- Qualitative ( Interview)
References: ( Most relevant references to the research area) (20 – 25)

May 12, 2022

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