Number of times you need to assign a value (let say -1) to all elements of a 4-demnsional array A[k, 1, m, n] (to initialize it) can be expressed mathematically as product of sets cardinalities II i...

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Number of times you need to assign a value (let say -1) to all elements of a 4-demnsional<br>array A[k, 1, m, n] (to initialize it) can be expressed mathematically as product of sets<br>cardinalities<br>II<br>i<br>ie{k,l,m,n}<br>Write a pseudo-code that does this assignment.<br>

Extracted text: Number of times you need to assign a value (let say -1) to all elements of a 4-demnsional array A[k, 1, m, n] (to initialize it) can be expressed mathematically as product of sets cardinalities II i ie{k,l,m,n} Write a pseudo-code that does this assignment.

Jun 11, 2022

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