nt Paragraph Styles 1.1 2-1 3.I 4 1 5.1 6 17 10 11. 1 12. 1 13.1.14· T 15. 1 16 17 1 A. Using the algorithm in deleting an element at the beginning of the array and the traversing algorithm, simulate...

nt<br>Paragraph<br>Styles<br>1.1<br>2-1 3.I 4 1 5.1<br>6 17<br>10<br>11. 1<br>12. 1<br>13.1.14· T 15. 1<br>16<br>17 1<br>A. Using the algorithm in deleting an element at the beginning of the array and the<br>traversing algorithm, simulate the given array below:<br>DELETION AT THE BEGINNING OF THE ARRAY<br>Algorithm:<br>Step 1: Set index = 0<br>Step 2: Repeat step 3 while(i<max)<br>Step 3:<br>Set array [index] = array {index + 1}<br>Index = index + 1<br>Step 4: Set max = max- 1<br>Step 5: End<br>TRAVERSE OPERA TION<br>Algorithm:<br>Step 1: Set index = 0<br>Step 2: Repeat step 3 while (index < max)<br>Step 3:<br>Print array[index]<br>Index = index + 1<br>Step 4 End<br>1. Array<br>8<br>ppinesi<br>

Extracted text: nt Paragraph Styles 1.1 2-1 3.I 4 1 5.1 6 17 10 11. 1 12. 1 13.1.14· T 15. 1 16 17 1 A. Using the algorithm in deleting an element at the beginning of the array and the traversing algorithm, simulate the given array below: DELETION AT THE BEGINNING OF THE ARRAY Algorithm: Step 1: Set index = 0 Step 2: Repeat step 3 while(i< max)="" step="" 3:="" print="" array[index]="" index="index" +="" 1="" step="" 4="" end="" 1.="" array="" 8="">

Jun 10, 2022

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