NOTE: USING C++ ONLY Implement all the functions from the Question 2 and make a login and sign up module, all the data will be stored in the files and as well as in the linked list, Program will have...


Implement all the functions from the Question 2 and make a login and sign up module, all the
data will be stored in the files and as well as in the linked list, Program will have two modules
1. login
2. sign up
Sign Up:
In this module the program will ask the user to enter username, password, address, city, phone
number, gender and will store the data in the linked list. If the username already exists in the
linked list it will ask the user to change the username, all the data will also be stored in the text


In this module the user will enter its username and password, the program will check if the data
exists in the linked list, if yes then show “Welcome to home screen”, if not then ask the user to
enter the username and password again.
Work Flow:
1. The program will start and all the data from the files will be loaded in the linked list.
2. The login and sign up screen will pop up
3. Apply proper checks, if the file exists or not (Hint: you can use try catch to handle the

Jun 11, 2022

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