Note: Setup the Diet example below in excel and solve using solver. A Diet Problem The Feed ’N Ship feedlot fattens cattle for local farmers and ships them to meat markets in Kansas City and Omaha....

Note: Setup the Diet example below in excel and solve using solver. A Diet Problem The Feed ’N Ship feedlot fattens cattle for local farmers and ships them to meat markets in Kansas City and Omaha. The owners of the feedlot seek to determine the amounts of cattle feed to buy to satisfy minimum nutritional standards and, at the same time, minimize total feed costs. Each grain stock contains different amounts of four nutritional ingredients: A, B, C, and D. Here are the ingredient contents of each grain, in ounces per pound of grain: (info added in image attached) The cost per pound of grains X, Y, and Z is $0.02, $0.04, and $0.025, respectively. The minimum requirement per cow per month is 64 ounces of ingredient A, 80 ounces of ingredient B, 16 ounces of ingredient C, and 128 ounces of ingredient D. The feedlot faces one additional restriction—it can obtain only 500 pounds of stock Z per month from the feed supplier, regardless of its need. Because there are usually 100 cows at the Feed ’N Ship feedlot at any given time, this constraint limits the amount of stock Z for use in the feed of each cow to no more than 5 pounds, or 80 ounces, per month. Question: (solve in excel with solver) Formulate this as a minimization LP problem. Let : X.1 = number of pounds of stock X purchased per cow each month X.2 = number of pounds of stock Y purchased per cow each month X.3 = number of pounds of stock Z purchased per cow each month10:21<br>O @ E 83%<br>B.7.2: Diet Problem Example<br>FEED<br>INGREDIENT<br>STOCK X<br>STOCK Y<br>STOCK Z<br>А<br>3 oz<br>2 oz<br>4 oz<br>В<br>2 oz<br>3 oz<br>1 oz<br>1 oz<br>oz<br>2 oz<br>D<br>6 oz<br>8 oz<br>4 oz<br>II<br>

Extracted text: 10:21 O @ E 83% B.7.2: Diet Problem Example FEED INGREDIENT STOCK X STOCK Y STOCK Z А 3 oz 2 oz 4 oz В 2 oz 3 oz 1 oz 1 oz oz 2 oz D 6 oz 8 oz 4 oz II
Jun 11, 2022

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