NOTE: information about the assignment is subject to change: more details will be released closer to the date.The aim is for you to make an academic argument that is evidenced (as opposed to merely...

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NOTE: information about the assignment is subject to change: more details will be released closer to the date.
The aim is for you to make an academic argument that is evidenced (as opposed to merely expressing your opinion or describing the argument and evidence of some recognized authority whom you cite.)


Group or individual:



Please lodge your extension applicationonlineLinks to an external site.

Word limit and format:

The length of your assignment should be no more than7 pages(notincluding the title page or end-text reference list), and should be formatted according to APA 7th requirements (Times New Roman, 12 point font, double spaced). The limit of seven pages is a strict limit.

Feedback:Feedback will be available via Canvas Grades.


Your second assignment will be a critical evaluation of a single journal article. This is the target article: link


Download here

. The aim is for you to make an academic argument that is evidenced (as opposed to merely expressing your opinion or describing the argument and evidence of some recognized authority whom you cite.) This assignment isnotan essay, and you are expected to critically and creatively evaluate the target paper.

The length of your assignment should be

no more than7pages(notincluding the title page or end-text reference list), and should be formatted according to APA 7threquirements (Times New Roman, 12 point font, double spaced).

Please refer to themarking rubric (

link here

Download link here

to ensure that you understand what is required for the assignment.

Please also use the following template (link


Download here

), which has headings corresponding to each marking criteria.


To critically evaluate the target article, you will need to learn about validity and reliability issues in cross-sectional correlational research.

1. Reliability and validity: to an external site.

2. Internal validity threats: artificiality to an external site.

3. Internal validity threats: instruments to an external site.

4. Rater and response bias to an external site.

Exemplar assignments from previous years (caveat: the structure of the assignment was different in previous years)

Exemplar Critical evaluation.pdf

Download Exemplar Critical evaluation.pdf

Exemplar Critical Evaluation for Cupello et al.

Download Exemplar Critical Evaluation for Cupello et al.

Additional resources

Answered 5 days AfterMay 01, 2024

Answer To: NOTE: information about the assignment is subject to change: more details will be released closer to...

Shubham answered on May 06 2024
13 Votes
1. Identification of the state of knowledge prior to the study and the knowledge gap
The article describes existing knowledge about factors that are influencing achievement of student. In the study, this requires establishment of connections between PISA scores for describing academic performance. This shows the role of socioeconomic background, school resources and instructional methods in success of student
. It shows correlation that exists between IQ scores and academic achievement. This requires addressing knowledge gap for examining roles of parents, teachers and attitude of student. The study shows PISA scores that includes sample data that is obtained from 74 countries. It provides broader international perspective that allows in understanding factors for interaction (Furnham & Cheng, 2024). This includes describing parental education, support and attitudes for influencing PISA performance of children in diverse cultures. This requires exploring about teacher qualifications, motivation and teaching styles that are correlate with student performance on PISA assessments for different educational systems. The research includes examining attitudes of student for learning, self-esteem and academic confidence that are associated with PISA scores for different countries. This study includes analysis of PISA data from wider range of nations. It aims to provide comprehensive view of specific factors that includes parental involvement, teacher quality and student attitudes. This shows interaction for influencing student achievement on global scale.
2. Theory and aims of the study, and hypotheses being tested
The study includes building of theory that shows student achievement. The achievement is measured by PISA scores and this is influenced by combination of factors that describes individual cognitive ability. The existing research acknowledges roles of socioeconomic background, school resources and instructional methods. The researchers describe about parental involvement, teacher quality and student attitudes. It influences PISA scores for broad range of countries. The study explores way for describing parental education level to support learning and attitudes that is related with education of student performance. This shows higher parental education, stronger support and positive educational attitudes that can lead to higher PISA scores. The researchers highlight about teachers that have stronger qualifications, higher motivation and effective teaching styles. It is associated with improved student performance on PISA assessments. The study can help in explore that way student attitudes for learning, self-esteem and academic confidence that is linked to PISA scores. It is important for development of positive student attitudes and higher self-belief that can lead to stronger performance (Marks & O’Connell, 2023). The analysis of data from 74 countries aims to test hypotheses. It can help in identification of factors that shows diverse cultures and educational systems. It aims to identify influences that interact and contribute to student achievement on global scale.
3. Evaluation of methodological strengths and weaknesses
The strength of the methodology is that it analyses data from 74 countries that can be considered as important strength. It can help in providing broad scope that allows for examining factors like parental involvement and teacher quality influence. PISA includes diverse cultures and educational systems for revealing generalizable patterns. The study focuses on specific factors that can be explored through different influences on student achievement. The study provides deeper understanding and this can help in describing specific roles of parents, teachers and attitudes of students. This focus on understanding of individual and includes combined effects. PISA is used for analysis of data and this can help in providing establishment and standardized assessment (Furnham & Cheng, 2024). It can help in development of reliable measure for describing about student performance in different countries. The consistency can strengthen...

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