Note also the following requirements:
1. Remember to state your assumptions clearly prior to developing the above
documents and your modelling.
2. Only a PDF format of the final report is to be submitted through the
specific link provided at the course website (all other mode of submissions
will be treated as a failure to submit).
3. Please note that there is no need to attach a plagiarism report. However,
the markers will be instructed to verify that the content is original. If
discrepancies are found, your work will be marked zero and you will be
referred to the faculty for ‘academic misconduct’. Therefore, you are
encouraged to check your written document for any potential plagiarism or
collusion issues before submission.
4. Any delays in submission must be accompanied with proper approval
documentation, despite the course leader approving a delay in another
forum or medium. Attach the approval to this assignment as markers may
not have access to delay approvals. If the approval documentation is not
found a late penalty will be levied as per university rules.
5. Assignments must be submitted via the link provided. If they are not
submitted via the link, then it is assumed that submission was not made. If
the assignments were submitted in other locations, it is very difficult to
track them, as the course team have no access to other locations, and the
course team can’t assume responsibility.