Chemistry 351: Introductory Organic Chemistry LaboratoryI. For the following three reactions, (a) what type of substituent (electron-donating substituent or electron-withdrawing substituent) will...

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Note about the organic chemistry course: This is an advanced, graduate level course that requires complex, in-depth explanations.

P.S. I hate being called.

Chemistry 351: Introductory Organic Chemistry Laboratory I. For the following three reactions, (a) what type of substituent (electron-donating substituent or electron-withdrawing substituent) will favor the reaction? (b) will this reaction have a positive or negative reaction constant ()? Explain your reasoning. II. Under the following two conditions, which enolate will be generated as the major product? Explain why. III. The following nucleophilic substitution reaction gives an isotope effect of kH/kD = 1.15. Explain whether this is a primary isotope effect or it’s a secondary isotope effect (normal or inverse) and explain why this reaction shows such an isotope effect. IV. Based on the kinetic isotope data and the observed ρ values, what can you say about the transition state of the following elimination reaction? Explain the kinetic isotope data and the observed ρ values. H(D) OH HBr H(D) Br P h X P h N a O E t X k H / k D r Br OSO 2 C 7 H 7 + SMe 2 + NMe 3 7.11 5.66 5.07 2.98 2.1 2.3 2.7 3.7 + Br 2 X B r X N C H 3 X H 3 C C H 3 + H 3 CO - heat N C H 3 X H 3 C + CH 3 OCH 3 A r A r A r O H + HCl A r A r A r C l + H 2 O Ar = aryl group H 3 CC O CH 2 CH 3 K F 7 8 0 C E t O H L D A 0 0 C T H F
Answered Same DayOct 11, 2022

Answer To: Chemistry 351: Introductory Organic Chemistry LaboratoryI. For the following three reactions, (a)...

Dr Shweta answered on Oct 12 2022
54 Votes
Ans 1
1A) For this reaction electron withdrawing substituent is favorable and the substituent here
is electrophile Bromonium ion Br+. Since the substrate supports the reaction so it’s ρ is positive
1B) For this reaction electron donating substituent is favorable and the substituent here is nucleophile -OCH3 which helps in the formation of electrophile methenium ion CH3+. Since the substrate does not itself supports the reaction and requires heat for doing this reaction so it’s ρ is negative
1C) For this reaction electron withdrawing substituent is favorable and the substituent here is electrophile H+ which helps in the removal of nucleophile -OH...

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