Norm’s Custom Furniture Shop takes customer requests for dining room tables in oak, cherry, pine, and mahogany. Their prices are $1500, $1700, $800, and $2000, respectively. Write a program that lets...

Norm’s Custom Furniture Shop takes customer requests for dining room tables in

oak, cherry, pine, and mahogany. Their prices are $1500, $1700, $800, and $2000,

respectively. Write a program that lets the user continue to enter the initial letter of a

table order (for example, ‘o’ for oak). The user continues to enter letters, using ‘z’ as a

sentinel. If the user enters an invalid wood type, display an error message. Otherwise,

display the price and ask for another order. When the user has finished entering data,

display a count of each code ordered and the total of all the prices. Save the file as


May 19, 2022

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