NIT3112 Advanced Web Development P a g e 1 | 6 Coffee Victoria POS Lab Assessment 1 – Practical Programming Project Due date: Refer to Assignment Submission Box on VU Collaborate *** No late...

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NIT3112 Advanced Web Development P a g e 1 | 6 Coffee Victoria POS Lab Assessment 1 – Practical Programming Project Due date: Refer to Assignment Submission Box on VU Collaborate *** No late submission *** Weighting: 15% of total assessment You are to work individual, one copy of the assignment. Submission details are at the end of this document. Objectives: This assessment is designed to assess your understanding of variables, constants, types, operators, input/output, loops, if statements, classes, objects and functions. Problem Description: Coffee Victoria POS is a small-CBD Coffee Shop in NSW Australia. The population is bustling, so the Coffee Shop sells select products to maintain the rush time (breakfast and lunch). It sells five products only. Each product has a name and a price. The programmer requires to demonstrate basic C# programming techniques, specifically using classes and objects. This assignment aims to develop a top-down design and to write a program to be used as a cash register by the Coffee Victoria POS. Application Requirements : For our program simulation, a purchase transaction is sale and payment of a single product. For each sale, the program should prompt and get a numbered item corresponding to the product name and quantity of the product purchased. The total cost of the purchase should be calculated and displayed. Then the program should ask the amount of money paid by the customer. The calculated change will be displayed in dollars and cents as well as the currency denominations in banknotes and coins needed to make up the change in the most efficient way. For example: If the amount of change is $37.35, then the customer would be given: • One twenty-dollar banknote, • One ten-dollar banknote, • One five-dollar note, • One two-dollar coin, • One twenty-cent piece, • One ten-cent piece, • and one five-cent piece. NIT3112 Advanced Web Development P a g e 2 | 6 At the end of the day, the cashier enters “Done” to end the simulation. The program should then display the total amount of sales in each of the five categories and terminate. The five-product Menu is shown in table 1. Item number Item name Item price 1 Coffee (cappuccino, Latte, Espresso) $3.75 2 Drink 500ml $4.5 3 Roll (Fish, Lamb, Chicken, Beef) $9.95 4 Toasted (egg and Cheese)’ $5.95 5 Muffin $4.99 6 Done [ ] Analysis The program will be launched from the main class “CoffeeVictoriaPOS”. “Product” class is a good choice for a class with information about products for sale in the “CoffeeVictoriaPOS”. The price can be set or updated by calling setPrice () method in the Product class. Also, we will construct a class “Change” to return the correct change and currency denominations for a particular sale, by calculating the smallest number of required $100, $50, $20, $10, $5 banknotes and $2, $1, 50c, 20c, 10c, 5c coins. Figure 1, illustrates the classes that need to be implemented. Figure 1: UML Classes NIT3112 Advanced Web Development P a g e 3 | 6 Methods required in the classes: A. The public class Product Product (String name) //constructor initializes data attributes setPrice (int cents) //sets Product price in cents. addToTotal(int amount) //adds current sale to total, recorded in cents getName( ) //returns the product name getPrice( ) //returns product's price in cents getTotal( ) //returns day's sales in cents B. The class Change Change () // constructor initializes data attributes denChange (int amount) //calculate and store currency denominations getNotes () //returns array of banknote denominations getCoins () //returns array of coin denominations Data Input • Product name (follow the table one). • Use Menu’s item number to select the desired product. • User must enter the quantity • Amount of money received from the customer in cents Output • The total amount of purchase = quantity * product_price • Change returned to customer = amount tendered − amount purchased) • In addition to the amount of change, display the number of hundred-dollar, fifty-dollar, twenty-dollar, ten-dollar and five-dollar notes, two-dollar coins, one-dollar coins, fifty- cent, twenty-cent, ten-cent and five-cent coins. • At the end of the day (menu item 6. Done entered) display the total dollars of sales for each of the five product categories and totals for the day. NIT3112 Advanced Web Development P a g e 4 | 6 Figure 2: Main Menu (output Screen) Figure 3: User Select order number & Qty. from Menu (output Screen) Figure 3: User Enter $20 (2000) for the order system display change must be given (output Screen) NIT3112 Advanced Web Development P a g e 5 | 6 Figure 4: User select six from the Main Menu, the system display end of day sales (output Screen) What do you have to hand in? An electronic copy of 1. Your application project packed as a single zip file. 2. Readme.docx file with information on how to run your program. Include any extra information about your design and program that you wish the marker to know. 3. A word document with the evidence of trial runs of your program. 4. Code for all the classes that have been compiled and are ready to run. 5. A brief description of each class. At the start of each method, there should be a comment clearly describing what the method does. Each class should be fully documented commencing with a heading. In particular, the heading should include your name, unit, assignment details, date written and a brief description of the class. : Start Early! Do not underestimate the amount of time needed to write and test the program, nor the complexity of this assignment. NIT3112 Advanced Web Development P a g e 6 | 6 NIT3112 – Assignment Name………………………. ID No………………………. Markers Guideline Allocated Marks Achieved Description of how to solve the problem plus file. Printout of extensive trial runs 15 class Product & Change — design and implementation 40 class CoffeeVictoriaShop — design and implementation 10 Other classes for CLI application — usability and implementation. 10 Output & Functionality — program works and meets specification. 15 Originality, user friendliness and presentation. Appropriate commenting of code and readability of the code. 10 Total 100
Answered Same DayNov 01, 2021NIT3112

Answer To: NIT3112 Advanced Web Development P a g e 1 | 6 Coffee Victoria POS Lab Assessment 1 – Practical...

Arun Shankar answered on Nov 03 2021
160 Votes
using System;
class Change
int[] notes;
int[] coins;
// NumberFormat formatter;
// Constructor
public Change(){
notes = new int[7]; // $1, $2, $5, $10,
$20, $50, and $100
coins = new int[5]; // 1c, 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c
// The function calculates and stores
// currency denominations
public void denChange(int amount)
// Make the notes[] array
if(amount >= 10000){
notes[0] = amount/10000;
amount = amount % 10000;
if(amount >= 5000){
notes[1] = amount/5000;
amount = amount % 5000;
if(amount >= 2000){
notes[2] = amount/2000;
amount = amount % 2000;
if(amount >= 1000){
notes[3] = amount/1000;
amount = amount % 1000;
if(amount >= 500){
notes[4] = amount/500;
amount = amount % 500;
if(amount >= 200){
notes[5] = amount/200;
amount = amount % 200;
if(amount >= 100){
notes[6] = amount/100;
amount = amount % 100;
// Make the coins array
if(amount >= 50){
coins[0] = amount / 50;
amount = amount % 50;
if(amount >= 20){
coins[1] = amount / 20;
amount = amount % 20;
if(amount >= 10){
coins[2] = amount / 10;
amount = amount % 10;
if(amount >= 5){
coins[3] = amount / 5;
amount = amount % 5;
if(amount >= 1){
coins[4] = amount;

public int[] getNotes(){
return notes;

public int[] getCoins(){
return coins;

public static String currency(int cents){
return "$" + (cents/100) + "." + (cents % 100);
} // end of class Change
class Product
String name;
int price;
int total;
// Constructor
public Product(String _name){

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