NIT Theme: Transp & Traver Word List Jicycle airport aeroplane luggage engine helicopter traffic fare journey ticket baggage scooter tricycle cyclist pilot passenger A. Write the missing letters. 1....

NIT<br>Theme: Transp<br>& Traver<br>Word List<br>Jicycle<br>airport<br>aeroplane luggage<br>engine<br>helicopter<br>traffic<br>fare<br>journey<br>ticket<br>baggage scooter<br>tricycle<br>cyclist<br>pilot<br>passenger<br>A. Write the missing letters.<br>1. b___ cle<br>2. j _rne<br>. ba<br>--<br>3. а<br>8. sc<br>ter<br>12. :<br>ist<br>B.osword.<br>Ac<br>3. Bags and suitcases.<br>4. Paper or cə

Extracted text: NIT Theme: Transp & Traver Word List Jicycle airport aeroplane luggage engine helicopter traffic fare journey ticket baggage scooter tricycle cyclist pilot passenger A. Write the missing letters. 1. b___ cle 2. j _rne . ba -- 3. а 8. sc ter 12. : ist B.osword. Ac 3. Bags and suitcases. 4. Paper or cə" at says yoU 7 what pay to trave' n a bus, plane or trai 8. A small motor Down Air transport 2. Another wor for luggage. - or veniC travelling on the road. 5. Person on a bicycle. 6. Person who flies an aeroplane. C. Write the word list in alphabetical order. 1 aeroplane 5. 9. 13. 6. 10. 14. 3. 7. 11. 15. 12 16. tricycle

Jun 10, 2022

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