NFL Project Analysis
The goal is to select appropriate models and model specifications, and apply the respective methods to enhance data-driven decision making related to the business problem.
Format:RMarkdown (word) – using RStudio
Starts with an initial data collection which we have four datasets as follows below:
NFL Arrests 2000-2017:
NFL Trends Over Time:
NFL Passing Statistics:
Detailed NFL Play-by-Play Data:
oThe paper should be 8-10 pages in length not including figures and tables.
oStart with a one paragraph abstract, followed by an intro/background of the problem, methods, results, discussion/conclusion and acknowledgments, references, in that order.
oList the resources and reference all sources you used to complete the project.
oAnalysis Requirements need predictive modeling and graphing: (display historical facts and predict in the next couple of years):
A.High School vs. College players: who performs better in scoring and yards
B.Who is more likely to be arrest and during what year High School vs. College players
C.Percentage of completions per attempt
D.Average yards gained per attempt
E.Percentage of touchdown passes per attempt
F.Percentage of interceptions per attempt
G.Average Production vs. Experience for NFL Players:example is on Kaggle
H.Do the more passes quarterback throws improve game winning stats