Critical Thinking Worksheeto 0 o • Each of your papers will focus on one of the readings posted to Blackboard in ‘Assignments.’ • You will choose 1 article per critical...

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Need to follow all instructions. needs at least 1 more scholarly source from online. after you pick a pdf I will send It. make sure to use in text citations and put the pages from the book into the text

Critical Thinking Worksheet o 0 o • Each of your papers will focus on one of the readings posted to Blackboard in ‘Assignments.’ • You will choose 1 article per critical thinking paper from the articles posted in Assignments on Blackboard. • To write your papers, you will use the Critical Thinking Worksheet questions below. • However, you will NOT answer the questions by number. You will use these questions as an outline to structure your paper. Formatting and other requirements to get a good grade: • Paper must be double spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman Font, using default margins for Word. One “enter/return” between paragraphs only. • Each paper will be two pages long. Not one page with only a small paragraph on the second page, but a complete two pages. Do not use tricks to make your paper look longer than it is, as that will severely hurt your grade. • Your name and the date. • Author and Title with FULL bibliographic reference. Not just the title and author. • You MUST cite the article properly in the body of your paper. • Best grades will go to those who use the CHICAGO FOOTNOTE METHOD. Look it up on line. Vastly better method than MLA. If you do use MLA, you must cite exact page numbers (not the whole article, but the exact page where you found your specific points). • Your paper must be clearly written and proofread, with no spelling or grammar mistakes. • I take good writing very seriously, you will not get a good grade for a badly written paper done at the last minute. • You will fail if you do not cite information in your paper properly. Plagiarism is theft and I also take that very seriously. If you are not confident about your writing or if English is your second language, consider visiting the Writing Center. Scroll down for the worksheet. Critical Thinking Worksheet: Remember, do not answer these by number. These questions are meant to help you outline your paper and guide your writing. Your paper should be fluid, not a list of numbered answers. You must answer questions 1-3. Then, use the remaining questions (4 -11) to inspire the rest of your paper; you do not have to answer all of them. 1. In approximately three sentences, summarize the point of the work, i.e., the author’s argument. (required) 2. Can you tell from the author’s argument what the accepted understanding of the theme or topic is? Is s/he/they arguing against a previous idea or for a new conceptualization? Are they presenting a basic introduction to a subject? Or are they presenting a general survey of a particular subject? Explain. (required) 3. What evidence does the author use to make their argument? (required) 4. What is the relationship between the essay/article/excerpt and information conveyed in lectures or other essays/journal articles/book excerpts/etc. we have read? 5. Has the author changed or influenced your understanding of the subject, the work(s) of art, and/or architecture in question? Why or why not? 6. Can you locate a bias or slant in the author’s stated opinion, methodology, or use (or lack of use) of evidence? Does it get in the way of the argument? 7. What statements(s) and/or question(s) do you find most provocative and convincing? Why? 8. Are there any statements(s) and/or question(s) do not convince you, or leave you feeling like the idea has not been adequately proven? Why? 9. Critique the style and/or method the author employs. Is it one that you (personally) enjoy as a scholar? How does it relate to your own approach to constructing an argument? 10. What does the title of the work mean, in relationship to the argument? 11. What other information allows you to contextualize the work? Is it specialized or meant for a general readership? What date was it written? Where was it written/in what publication did it appear? Do you know anything about the author? Scroll down for the list of readings (be sure to google terms you don't recognize These are best for the second critical thinking paper (they assume a higher level of knowledge about Greek art, you may need to google terms you don’t recognize). S.F. Derbew, “Masks of Blackness: Reading the Iconography of Black People in Ancient Greece,” in Untangling Blackness in Greek Antiquity, Chapter 2, Cambridge University Press, 2022. A. Rosenerg-Diitracopoulou, “The Soft Youth in Boetian Coroplasty,” in Papatoniou, Michaelides, and Dikomitou-Eliadou (eds) Hellenistic and Roman Terracottas, Brill, 2019 N. Salomon, “Making a World of Difference: Gender, asymmetry, and the Greek nude,” in A.O. Koloski-Ostrow and C. L. Lyons (eds) Naked Truths: Women, Sexuality, and Gender in Classical Art and Archaeology, Routledge, 1997 The Roman reception to Greek art and architecture In chapter 16 of “Greek and Roman art and architecture” Rachel Kousser argues that the Hellenistic period marked a time of artistic innovation and diversity; with a broad range of styles, techniques, and subject matter that departed from traditional Greek norms (Krousser, 2015, pg.374-375) . She also explores how the Roman looting of Greece influenced Roman art and architecture, especially in terms of the use of narrative and emotive elements. The author is arguing for a new conceptualization of the Hellenistic period in Greek art and architecture, one that emphasizes its departure from traditional Greek norms and its impact on Roman art and architecture. Kousser is not presenting a basic introduction to the subject, but rather a focused analysis of a specific period and its influence on subsequent artistic traditions. Kousser uses a variety of evidence to support her argument, including analysis of specific works of art and architecture, historical and cultural context, and comparisons with earlier and later artistic periods. She also draws on scholarship from a range of subjects, including art history, archaeology, and classical studies. The article relates closely to lectures and other readings we have had in class on Greek and Roman art and architecture, such as Joachim Winckelmann’s false assumptions on Greek art(Krousser, 2015, pg 375). The author has influenced my understanding of the subject by highlighting the innovative and diverse aspects of Roman art in comparison to Greek art. Krousser states that the Roman looting of Greek art on Greek soil was well planned and that individuals felt closer to the Greek art for this reason. “In essence, looting was a powerful spur to the Roman reception of Greek art and architecture, and It facilitated the integration of Greek forms with Roman cultural practices.”(Krousser, 2018, pg.377). Kousser’s use of evidence is generally balanced and objective, though there is a slight bias towards highlighting the innovative and diverse aspects of the Hellenistic period. Krousser’s discussion of specific works of art and architecture was also insightful and illuminating. While I found Krousser’s argument to be generally convincing, there were a few statements that I felt were not adequately supported by the evidence. Her assertion that the Hellenistic period marked a departure from traditional Greek norms could have been better supported by more detailed analysis of earlier Greek art. I appreciated Krousser's method of analyzing specific works of art and architecture in detail, as it provided a more nuanced understanding of the period. However, I found her writing style to be somewhat dense and academic, which made the article more difficult to read and understand. The title of the article, “The Roman reception to Greek art and architecture" is a concise summary of the chapter's focus. However, the specific focus on the Hellenistic period, as well as the looting and collecting of Greek art and architecture by the Romans provides a more focused argument and analysis. The article is a specialized work intended for a scholarly audience, written in 2015 and published in "The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Art and Architecture." The book includes multiple articles written by many people, but was edited by Clemente Marconi. Clemente Marconi is a well-known scholar in the field of classical studies and has published extensively on Greek and Roman art and architecture. Krousser argues that the period was characterized by a shift away from the classical ideals and focused more towards personal evaluation based on naturalism and chronology.(Krousser, 2015, pg. 385). Krousser provides evidence of this shift in the architecture and decoration of public and private buildings, such as the House of the Vettii and the Baths of Faustina Minor (Krousser, 2015, pg. 384-385). Krousser also examines the use of materials, such as marble and mosaic, and the development of new techniques in Roman art during this period. Overall, Krousser’s argument is that the Roman art style represented a significant departure from the classical ideals of Greek art and architecture, and that this shift was a reflection of the cultural and political changes that were taking place in Rome at the time. Reference Marconi, Clemente, ed. The Oxford handbook of Greek and Roman art and architecture. Oxford Handbooks, 2015. R. Kousser, “The Roman Reception of Greek Art and Architecture,” in C. Marconi (ed), The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Art and Architecture, Oxford University Press, 2015, 374-394
Answered 14 days AfterMar 26, 2023

Answer To: Critical Thinking Worksheeto 0 o • Each of your papers will focus on one of...

Deblina answered on Mar 31 2023
30 Votes
Making a World Difference         2
Table of Contents
Thinking    3
References    6
Critical Thinking
In "Making a world of difference: gender, asymmetry, and the Greek nude", Salomon argues the feministic perspective that has been initiated from the sculpture of the mid-4th century BCE which is the first monumental female cult statue that is completely nude. The article explores the role of gender and asymmetry in the representation of the human body in ancient Greek art (Salomon, 2003, pg 197).
Salomon argues that the idealized male nude, which is often celebrated as a symbol of rationality and beauty, is in fact a product of a highly gendered and asymmetrical society. She suggests that the Greek male nude was created and viewed by men as a means of asserting and maintaining their power over women and other marginalized groups. Salomon also discusses the representation of women in ancient Greek art, highlighting the ways in which they were often depicted as passive and objectified. She argues that these representations reflect the patriarchal nature of ancient Greek society and the limited roles available to women. The author has significantly pointed out the documentation of the legal inequities in ancient Athens which was effective in differentiating artistic practices. In most places, it was found that male sculptures were mostly nude representing military and athletic valour. On the other hand, most of the female sculptures were always cloth and were mostly placed out of the site of the public ((Salomon , 2003, pg 203-204). In this aspect, it is effective to understand that even though the...

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