Answer To: Assessment Introduction This assignment requires you to prepare a manufacturing proposal to produce...
Rahul answered on Sep 24 2021
The iquests ifor ia iconstant, isafe, iclean, ienvironmental-friendly ifuel iis inever-ending. iCarbon-based ifuels, isuch ias ifossil ifuels iare iunsustainable iand ihazardous ito iour ienvironment. iSome iof ithe ialternatives iare irenewable ienergy isources iwhich iinclude iall ifuel itypes iand ienergy icarriers, idifferent ifrom ithe ifossil iones, isuch ias ithe isun, iwind, itides, ihydropower iand ibiomass. iAmongst ithese ielements, isolar ienergy iis ipreferred isince iit icould iprovide ithe icleanest isustainable ienergy ifor ithe ilongest iduration iof itime i– ithe inext ifew ibillion iyears. iPhotovoltaic iproduction ibecomes idouble ievery itwo iyears, iincreasing iby ian iaverage iof i48 ipercent ieach iyear isince i2002. iDue ito iits iinnumerable ibenefits iin ienvironmental, ieconomic iand isocial iaspects iPV isystems ihave ibecomes ithe iworld’s ifastest igrowing ienergy itechnology. iIt ican iarguably ibe isaid ithat ithe ionly ilimitation ito isolar ipower ias ian ienergy isource iis iour iunderstanding iof ideveloping iefficient iand icost-effective itechnology iwhich ican iimplement iit. i
Nothing ion iearth iis ifree iof icost, ibut iwhat iif iwe icould ifind ia iway ito iimplement ifree irides? iIndeed, iit iwould ibe iwonderful iif iour icars icould icontinue ito irun iwithout ius ihaving ito ispend ibillions ion ifossil ifuels ievery iyear iand ito ideal iwith inatural ihazards ithat itheir icombustion ileave ibehind. iIf iwe icould idrive ia isolar-powered icar, ithat iauto idream iwould icome itrue. iSolar icars iwould iharness ienergy ifrom ithe isun ivia isolar ipanels. iA isolar ipanel iis ia ipackaged, iconnected iassembly iof isolar icells, ialso icalled iphotovoltaic icells iwhich iare isolid istate idevices ithat ican iconvert isolar ienergy idirectly iinto ielectrical ienergy ithrough iquantum imechanical itransitions. iThey iare inoiseless iand ipollution-free iwith ino irotating iparts iand ineed iminimum imaintenance. iThe ielectricity ithus igenerated iwould ithen ifuel ithe ibattery ithat iwould irun ithe icar's imotors. iTherefore, iwe iwould iobtain ian ielectrically idriven ivehicle ithat iwould itravel ion i“free” ienergy iwith ino iharmful iemissions, ithat ican iutilize iits ifull ipower iat iall ispeeds, iand iwould ihave ivery ilittle imaintenance icost.
A icar ipowered iby isolar ienergy iis ia ivehicle ithat iuses ia itype iof irenewable iresource ithat ican ibe iobtained iwhen isunlight iincident ion ithe isolar ipanel iplaced ion ithe isurface iof ithe ivehicle.
To ikeep ithe icar irunning ismoothly, ithe idriver imust imonitor imultiple igauges ito ispot ipossible iproblems. iCars iwithout igauges ialmost ialways ifeature iwireless itelemetry, iwhich iallows ithe idriver's iteam ito imonitor ithe icar's ienergy iconsumption, isolar ienergy icapture iand iother iparameters iand ithereby ifreeing ithe idriver ito iconcentrate ion idriving. iSolar icars icombine itechnology itypical iaerospace, ibicycle, ialternative ienergy iand iautomotive iindustries. i
The idesign iof ia isolar ivehicle iis iseverely ilimited iby ithe iamount iof ienergy iinput iinto ithe icar. iMost isolar icars ihave ibeen ibuilt ifor ithe ipurpose iof isolar icar iraces. iSome isolar icars iare idesigned ialso ifor ipublic iuse. iSolar icars idepend ion ia isolar iarray ithat iuses iphotovoltaic icells i(PV icells) ito iconvert isunlight iinto ielectricity. iUnlike isolar ithermal ienergy iwhich iconverts isolar ienergy ito iheat ifor ieither ihousehold ipurposes, iindustrial ipurposes ior ito ibe iconverted ito ielectricity, iPV icells idirectly iconvert isunlight iinto ielectricity. iWhen isunlight i(photons) istrike iPV icells, ithey iexcite ielectrons iand iallow ithem ito iflow, icreating ian ielectric icurrent. iPV icells iare imade iof isemiconductor imaterials isuch ias isilicon iand ialloys iof iindium, igallium iand initrogen. iCrystalline isilicon iis ithe imost icommon imaterial iused iand ihas ian iefficiency irate iof i15-20%. iThe ifirst isolar ifamily icar iwas ibuilt iin i2013.
The iproposed imodel iis idesigned iin isuch ia iway ithat iit iachieves iall ithe imentioned iobjectives iby iadding ivarious ifeatures ito ithe iconventional isolar ivehicle idesign. iThe iadditional ifeatures iare imentioned ibelow. i
1) Safety ifeatures i
Impact iattenuator i
Doppler iradar i
Emergency ishutdown isystem i
Proximity iof iObstacles i
2) Driver ivital imonitoring i
Sensing ipulse iof ithe idriver i
3) Vehicle itracking iand iperformance imonitoring i
Battery itemperature i
Power iconsumption i
iSpeed iof ithe ivehicle i
The iabove-mentioned iparameters iare imonitored iusing isensors iand ia imicrocontroller iwith ibuilt iin iWIFI imodule iand idata iis iuploaded ito ithe icloud.
iThis iis ifor ithe isafety iof ithe idriver, iat iadverse iconditions isuch ias iFuel ileakage, iBreak ifailure, iMotor ifailure, ietc. iAt ithese iconditions ithe idriver iloses ihis icontrol ion ithe ivehicle iwhich imay ilead ito imajor iaccidents. iTo iavoid ithis idriver iis iprovided iwith ia iKill iswitch ion ithe idashboard iand inear ithe iseat. iOn ipressing ithis iswitch ithe iwhole idrive isystem iis idisconnected ifrom ithe isupply iand ithus iis ishut idown iand ithe ivehicle iis ibrought ito ia icomplete ihalt.