The final function, handleShoppingList, will be responsible for calling all our other ones (functions). It will be the callback function for our app's document ready.
All you have to do for this assignment is add the code inside renderShoppingList() function to render the initial items from the STORE and using the jQuery methods html to the .js-shopping-list element.
// `STORE` is responsible for storing the underlying data
// that our app needs to keep track of in order to work.
// for a shopping list, our data model is pretty simple.
// we just have an array of shopping list items. each one
// is an object with a `name` and a `checked` property that
// indicates if it's checked off or not.
// we're pre-adding items to the shopping list so there's
// something to see when the page first loads.
const STORE = [
{id: cuid(), name: "apples", checked: false},
{id: cuid(), name: "oranges", checked: false},
{id: cuid(), name: "milk", checked: true},
{id: cuid(), name: "bread", checked: false}
// HELPER function for generateShoppingItemsString()
function generateItemElement(item) {
// returns and a string literal of HTML and values from each object
// HELPER FUNCTION for renderShoppingList
function generateShoppingItemsString(shoppingList) {
console.log("Generating shopping list element");
// stores an array of all the HTML to be rendered on the page.
const items = => generateItemElement(item));
// returns a string from each item in array
return items.join("");
function renderShoppingList() {
// you will be calling generateShoppingItemsString AND rendering to the page
// put your code here only
console.log('`renderShoppingList` ran');
function handleNewItemSubmit() {
// this function will be responsible for when users add a new shopping list item
console.log('`handleNewItemSubmit` ran');
function handleItemCheckClicked() {
// this function will be responsible for when users click the "check" button on
// a shopping list item.
console.log('`handleItemCheckClicked` ran');
function handleDeleteItemClicked() {
// this function will be responsible for when users want to delete a shopping list
// item
console.log('`handleDeleteItemClicked` ran')
// this function will be our callback when the page loads. it's responsible for
// initially rendering the shopping list, and activating our individual functions
// that handle new item submission and user clicks on the "check" and "delete" buttons
// for individual shopping list items.
function handleShoppingList() {
// when the page loads, call `handleShoppingList`