CITP 3310 XXXXXXXXXXSurvey of Programming Languages XXXXXXXXXXLab 13 Lab 13 – Arrays In this lab you will practice working with arrays. Arrays allow you to group data of the same type together using...

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CITP 3310 Survey of Programming Languages Lab 13 Lab 13 – Arrays In this lab you will practice working with arrays. Arrays allow you to group data of the same type together using one variable name and index numbers to access each of the elements. Example Program The example program for this lab is a rewritten version of Lab 12. In the Reference Parameters lab you wrote a program that found the average of 5 judges' scores, minus the minimum and maximum score. You had to repeat a lot of code in that lab in order to get input from each judge, and to find the minimum and maximum values. The example program uses an array to store the judges' scores. This allows us to use for loops to get the input, to find the minimum and maximum, and to take the sum. A huge benefit of using arrays is that we can make the functions that find the minimum and maximum, and that take the average, more general. These functions can now use an array of numbers of any size (not just 5). The number of judges is set by a constant at the top of the source file. If you want to run the program with more (or fewer) judges, all we have to do is change the value of that constant, and everything else will change automatically. Try it out! Download the AverageScore_Array.cs file, examine the code, and run the program. Pay attention to how to use arrays as a parameter to a function. Notice that in addition to the array, another variable is always included to specify the size of the array. Your Program For your program you will complete code that plays the War card game. In this game, the deck of cards is evenly divided among two players. The players are not allowed to look at the cards in their hand. On each round of the game, both players lay down the top card from their hand. The player with the higher value card wins both cards and places the cards on the bottom of his hand. For our version of the game, in the case of a tie, each player places their card back at the bottom of their hand (the real game has different rules for ties). Game play continues until one of the players has all of the cards. In order to simplify our program, our "deck" is a series of random numbers ranging from 1 to 13 (because a real deck of cards has 13 values). The size of the deck is set by a constant. This game can take a long time to play, so a deck size of 10 cards is a reasonable size for testing the game. You can change the deck size if you wish, although larger numbers will likely take much longer to finish. The main function is provided to you in warGame.cs. You should not make any modifications to this function, or to the other two functions provided (to print the results of each round of the game, and to create the "deck" of cards.) You will write two functions, described below. Remember to write small parts of the program at a time and test each part before moving on to the next part. CITP 3310 Survey of Programming Languages Lab 13 Function 1: Deal the Cards. This function takes the deck of cards and splits it between the two players by alternately dealing a card to each player. Note that the array for each player's hand is the same size of the deck. This is because we need to be able to store all cards in the winner's hand. Therefore, the array for each player's hand is a partially filled array. In the main function I initialized all elements of the players' hand arrays to zero. In our game, when an array element has the value zero it indicates that there is no card at that index. All of the cards must be placed at the beginning of the array. An example of a deck dealt to two players is shown below. Deck: 3 1 13 5 8 4 3 10 6 9 Player 1's Hand: 3 13 8 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 Player 2's Hand: 1 5 4 10 9 0 0 0 0 0 Function 2: Shift the Cards Forward. This function moves all cards in a hand one place forward, removing the first card and setting the value of the last card to zero. This simulates a player removing a card from her hand. An example of a hand of cards before and after shifting is shown below. Before shift: 3 13 8 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 After shift: 13 8 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 Challenge I think this one will be challenging enough… If you complete this lab, I’ll throw in the 10 bonus points for free.
Answered Same DayJul 25, 2021

Answer To: CITP 3310 XXXXXXXXXXSurvey of Programming Languages XXXXXXXXXXLab 13 Lab 13 – Arrays In this lab you...

Aditya answered on Jul 26 2021
155 Votes
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace WarGame
class warGame
const int SIZE = 10; // T
his constant sets the size of our "deck"
// Increasing it will cause your program to
// take longer to reach a conclusion.
static void Main(string[] args)
int[] deck = new int[SIZE]; // The deck of cards
int[] hand_one = new int[SIZE]; // A hand of cards, with all elements initialized to zero
int[] hand_two = new int[SIZE]; // A hand of cards, with all elements initialized to zero
int tmp1; // Temporary variable to hold a card
int tmp2; // Temporary variable to hold a card
int size1 = SIZE / 2; // Number of cards in hand 1
int size2 = SIZE / 2; // Number of cards in hand 2
string tmpStr; // Used for asking the user to press enter to continue
// Get a deck of numbers (to represent cards)
// Because we are simulating a deck of cards, we will get random numbers
// in the range of 1 to 13.
getNums(deck, 13, SIZE);
// Deal the deck between the two players
splitArray(hand_one, hand_two, deck, SIZE);
//loop until one player has no more cards.
while (size1 != 0 && size2 != 0)
// Show the card at the front of each players hand
showCard(hand_one, hand_two, size1, size2);
// Store the front cards into temporary variables
tmp1 = hand_one[0];
tmp2 = hand_two[0];
// Shift the cards forward in each hand
shift(hand_one, size1);
shift(hand_two, size2);

// If the first player has the higher card
if (tmp1 > tmp2)
Console.WriteLine("You have the higher card!");
// We are going to add one card to Player 1's hand and
// remove a card...

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