Due: 8:00 pm (AEST) 19 April 2021 (Monday)
"This is an
individual assignment. It contributes
30% to your final mark. Read the assignment instruction carefully.\n",
What to submit
"This assignment is to be completed individually and submitted to CloudDeakin. By the due date, you are required to submit the following files to the corresponding Assignment (Dropbox) in CloudDeakin:\n",
"- \t[YourID]_assignment1_solution.ipynp: This is your Python notebook solution source file.
"- \t[YourID]_assingment1_output.html: This is the output of your Python notebook solution exported in HTML format.
"- \tExtra files needed to complete your assignment, if any (e.g., images used in your answers).
"For example, if your student ID is: 123456, you will then need to submit the following files:\n",
"- 123456_assignment1_solution.ipynp
"- 123456_assignment1_output.html
Marking criteria
"Your submission will be marked using the following criteria.\n",
"- Showing good effort through completed tasks.
"- Applying deep learning theory to design suitable deep learning solutions for the tasks.
"- Critically evaluating and reflecting on the pros and cons of various design decisions.
"- Demonstrating creativity and resourcefulness in providing unique individual solutions. (Warning: Highly similar solutions will be investigated for collusion.)
"- Showing attention to details through a good quality assignment report.
"Indicative weights of various tasks are provided below, but the assignment will be marked by the overall quality per the above criteria. \n",