National university CEE420L Microelectronics Lab Lab XXXXXXXXXXpoints Week 2 Learning Outcomes After completing this Lab-2 you will be able to explain or/and perform the following activities: a-...

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National university CEE420L Microelectronics Lab Lab-2 110 points Week 2 Learning Outcomes After completing this Lab-2 you will be able to explain or/and perform the following activities: a- Characterize a diode in forward bias b- Understand how a half and full rectifier works c- Determine how a Zener diode regulates a voltage source Reading: Electronic Devices, Floyd, 10th Edition, Chapter 2 2.4-end, Chapter 3 3.1, 3-2, 3.4 Also Lab2 further readings slides Lab report format: Same as this document, report your results after each experiment, both word or PDF are acceptable Required hardware and software 1- NI Multisim 14.2 simulator. 2- One 1 kΩ 5%, 1/4 watt resistor 3- One 100 Ω 5%, 1/4 watt resistor 4- One 1n4001 diode 5- One 1N4733 A zener diode Note: Always make sure your circuit is correctly implemented then connect voltage supplies. Experiment 1(Experimenting with a diode in forward bias)20 points Implement the following circuit on Multisim and perform the following: a- Change the VBIAS from -2 to 1.5 V in 0.1 V steps and simulate the voltage across the diode. b- Plot the voltage across the diode vs VBIAS. c- Interpret the plot in b d- Add the snapshot of the Multisim to your report Experiment 2:Experimenting a diode rectification, Halfwave)30 points Implement the following circuit on Multisim and perform the following: a- Set the Vin voltage amplitude to 5 V and its frequency to 60 Hz b- Observe the voltage wave from point A to ground and show it on the NI Multisim and snapshot it and add it to your report c- Observe the voltage wave across R and show it on the NI Multisim oscilloscope and snapshot it and add it to your report d- Interpret wave shapes in a and b e- Measure the peak voltage in a and compare it with peak of point A (Diode anode) f- Interpret the observations in e. Experiment 3: (Experimenting with a full=wave rectifier and its ripples)30 points Implement the following circuit (Figure (a)) on the multisim and perform the following: a- Display the output voltage waveform om the XSC1 and snapshot it. b- Remove the capacitor and do a again to see the output with ripples c- Replace capacitor with a 2200 uF capacitor and compare ripple with case a d- Display the ripple in case a and c e- Measure the output voltage and show it on your report. Hint: You should observe wave like what is shown in Figure (b) below Figure (a) Figure (b) Experiment 4: (Experimenting with a Zener diode regulation capability)30 points Implement the following circuit on Multisim and perform the following: a- Change Vin from 2 to 9 V in in 0.5 steps and measure the output voltage b- Make a table of Vin and Vout c- Interpret the b. Especially determine at voltage level the Zener diode starts regulating.
Answered 4 days AfterJun 07, 2021

Answer To: National university CEE420L Microelectronics Lab Lab XXXXXXXXXXpoints Week 2 Learning Outcomes After...

Shomik answered on Jun 11 2021
158 Votes
Module 3 MATLAB Homework
We can solve differential equations in MATLAB by using Laplace transforms.
For instance, to solve Example 1 on page 87 of our book,
>> syms y(t) s
>> eqn=diff(y,t)+3*y==1;
>> eqnLT=laplace(eqn,t,s) % Take the Laplace transform

eqnLT =

s*laplace(y(t), t, s) - y(0) + 3*laplace(y(t), t, s) == 1/s

>> eqnLT=subs(eqnLT,laplace(y(t)),Y)

eqnLT =

3*Y - y(0) + Y*s == 1/s
>> eqnLT=subs(eqnLT,y(0),1) % Substitute 1 for y(0)

eqnLT =

3*Y + Y*s - 1 == 1/s
>> Y=solve(eqnLT,Y) % Solve for Y

Y =

(1/s + 1)/(s + 3)

>> ilaplace(Y,s,t) % Take the inverse Laplace transform

ans =

(2*exp(-3*t))/3 + 1/3
1. Use MATLAB to solve, by using the...

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