Name: NetID: Date: RUID: 1. What indices had the value of 1 in your output? 2. Write your answer here: 3. Write your answer here: 4. Write your answer here: 5. Write your answer here: Project 2 Report...

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Name:NetID: Date:RUID: 1. What indices had the value of 1 in your output? 2. Write your answer here: 3. Write your answer here: 4. Write your answer here: 5. Write your answer here: Project 2 Report Instructions 1. See the .csv files available for download on Canvas labeled with letters of the alphabet, as in “dataMtoP.csv”. Download the file that corresponds with the initial of your last name as it is listed on Canvas. For instance, if your last name is Brown, you would download dataAtoD. If your last name is Rupavatharam, you would download dataQtoT. Use csvread to load this data into MATLAB. It should load a matrix with 3 rows. Call your program with the data from this csv file as your data input, and the number of vaccines listed on the table below: Last Name Initial Number of Vaccines A 10 B 11 C 14 D 13 E 14 F 16 G 16 H 12 I 16 J 9 K 8 L 10 M 13 N 12 O 16 P 12 Q 11 R 12 S 14 T 8 U 15 V 9 W 12 X 10 Y 11 Z 13 What are the index numbers of individuals who received the vaccine? 2. This project required you to work with matrix data. In 6 sentences or less, please describe how you used counting variables and indexing to navigate through data in this project. 3. This project required you to implement programming methods that would prioritize individuals by vaccine phase and dose number. In 6 sentences or less, please describe the specific programming methods (an example of a programming method is a while loop) to implement priorities. 4. You were tasked with generating your own test data for this project. What was one of the matrices you generated to test your program? Write the lines of code that would use that matrix to test your program. What output would you expect from those tests?
Answered 1 days AfterApr 01, 2021

Answer To: Name: NetID: Date: RUID: 1. What indices had the value of 1 in your output? 2. Write your answer...

Kshitij answered on Apr 03 2021
151 Votes
%% Data Analysis
% clear screen and data
clear all
close all
% load csv file
% Extract data
%% Number of vaccine in each phase
% for number of phase
for i=min(phase):1:max(phase)
% for N data
for j=1:numel(N)
% Extract number of vaccine for each phase
if phase(j)==i && dose(j)~=0
% Visualize data
ylabel('Total Number of Vaccine')
title('Total Vaccine per Phase')
grid on
%% Number of vaccine given to people in each dose for each phase
% for number of phase
for i=min(phase):1:max(phase)
% for N data
for j=1:numel(N)
% extract number of dose in each phase
if dose(j)==1 && phase(j)==i
elseif dose(j)==2 && phase(j)==i
% visualize data for each phase
Dose_data=[sum(Total_dose_1) sum(Total_dose_2)];
ylabel('Total number of Vaccine')
title(['Vaccine Phase: ',num2str(i)])

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