For each scenario – what is the analysis thathas been conducted?What is the IV? What is the DV?What is your decision? How would you write it in APA format? What is your interpretation of the output, in laylanguage.
In this example,there were 20 golfers that had their performance measured at7different time points (Pre-Trial6).We want to know if they significantly improved at all.
1.Whatarethe IV(s)? __________________________
2.What is the DV? __________________________
3.How many main effects? _________________
4.How many interactions? ________________
5.What testhas been runhere? ______________________
6.Write the entire results in APA format (3pts).
7.Write the results in lay language.
NAME:________________________ For each scenario – what is the analysis that has been conducted? What is the IV? What is the DV? What is your decision? How would you write it in APA format? What is your interpretation of the output, in lay language. In this example, there were 20 golfers that had their performance measured at 7 different time points (Pre-Trial6). We want to know if they significantly improved at all. 1. What are the IV(s)? __________________________ 2. What is the DV? __________________________ 3. How many main effects? _________________ 4. How many interactions? ________________ 5. What test has been run here? ______________________ 6. Write the entire results in APA format (3 pts). 7. Write the results in lay language.