Stage 2 English SACE ID NUMBER: Assessment Type 2: Creating Text Task: Writers Statement Word Count: 1000 words maximum Weighting 10% Throughout the year you have created texts demonstrating variety...

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my topic is:
why gender equal pay is so hard to acchive in spots

aslo a writers stament has to be done with it and ithas to be 500 words

Stage 2 English SACE ID NUMBER: Assessment Type 2: Creating Text Task: Writers Statement Word Count: 1000 words maximum Weighting 10% Throughout the year you have created texts demonstrating variety in text type, purpose, and/or audience. Some of these include: · an expository piece · a narrative The final requirement for this assessment type is to produce a writer’s statement for one or both of these two created texts. In the writer’s statement you should: · explain and justify the creative decisions you made in the process of writing · explain how you used language features, stylistic features, and conventions to meet the expectations of the intended audience(s) and achieve your purpose(s). When you write about more than one of the created texts, you may compare and contrast the choices you made. The writer’s statement should be a maximum of 1000 words or equivalent in oral or multimodal form. In this task you should: · demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the ways you, as the author, use language features, stylistic features, and conventions (KU2) · demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the ways texts are created for different purposes, audiences, and contexts(KU3) · evaluate how you used the language features, stylistic features, and conventions to influence the audience (An2) · produce clear and coherent writing, using appropriate vocabulary (Ap3) use of evidence from texts to develop and support a response (Ap2). Performance Standards for Stage 2 English – Assessment Type 2 - Knowledge and Understanding Analysis Application A Comprehensive knowledge and understanding of ideas and perspectives in a range of texts. Thorough knowledge and understanding of ways in which creators of texts use a range of language features, stylistic features, and conventions to make meaning. Extensive knowledge and understanding of a wide range of ways in which texts are created for different purposes, audiences, and contexts. Complex analysis of ideas, perspectives, and/or aspects of culture represented in texts. Perceptive analysis of language features, stylistic features, and conventions used in texts, and thoughtful evaluation of how these influence audiences. Critical analysis of similarities and differences when comparing texts. Versatile and precise use of language and stylistic features to create a wide range of coherent texts that address the purpose, audience, and context. Fluently integrated use of evidence from texts to develop and support a response. Sophisticated use of accurate, clear, and fluent expression. B Knowledge and understanding of ideas and perspectives in a range of texts. Knowledge and understanding of ways in which creators of texts use a range of language features, stylistic features, and conventions to make meaning. Knowledge and understanding of a range of ways in which texts are created for different purposes, contexts, and audiences. Detailed analysis of ideas, perspectives, and/or aspects of culture represented in texts. Detailed analysis of language features, stylistic features, and conventions, and evaluation of how these influence audiences. Clear analysis of similarities and differences when comparing texts. Accurate use of language and stylistic features to create a range of coherent texts that address the purpose, context, and audience. Appropriate use of evidence from texts to develop and support a response. Consistent use of accurate, clear, and fluent expression. C Knowledge and understanding of some ideas and perspectives in texts. Knowledge and understanding of ways in which creators of texts use some language features, stylistic features, and conventions to make meaning. Knowledge and understanding of ways in which everyday texts are created for different purposes, contexts, and audiences. Analysis of some ideas and perspectives represented in texts. Description and some analysis of different language features, stylistic features, and conventions, and/or some evaluation of how these influence audiences. Analysis of some similarities and differences when comparing texts. Generally accurate use of language and stylistic features to create texts that address the purpose, context, and audience. Selection of some evidence from texts to develop and support a response. Appropriate use of accurate, clear, and fluent expression. D Knowledge and understanding of some ideas in a narrow range texts. Some knowledge and understanding of ways in which creators of texts use language features and conventions to make meaning. Knowledge and understanding of ways in which some everyday texts are created for different purposes and audiences. Description of some ideas in texts. Description of some language features, stylistic features, and/or conventions. Description of some similarities and differences in texts. Use of some language and stylistic features to create a narrow range of texts. Partial use of basic evidence from texts to develop a response. Inconsistent use of expression. E Identification of an idea in a text. Identification of a limited range of ways in which creators of texts use language techniques. Recognition of one or more ways in which a familiar text is created. Reference to an idea in a text. Recognition of language or stylistic features. Recognition of a simple connection between texts. Restricted use of language or stylistic features to create a text. Limited use of evidence from a text in a response. Limited use of clear expression.
Answered Same DayAug 15, 2022

Answer To: Stage 2 English SACE ID NUMBER: Assessment Type 2: Creating Text Task: Writers Statement Word Count:...

Rachit answered on Aug 16 2022
80 Votes
Gender Pay gap is the difference between the earnings of men and women in their gross pay of hourly wages. It is based on salary paid before deduction of income tax and social security contributions.
The gap between the two genders differ wi
dely across the countries. Across the European Union, in 2020, Latvia had the highest gender pay gap difference of 22.3%, followed by Estonia at 21.1%, Austria at 18.9%, Germany at 18.3% while the lowest numbers were reported from Luxembourg at 0.7%, Romania at 2,4% and Slovenia at 3.1%. Gender pay gap in THE U.S.A is narrowing but still in the range of 17% in 2022 where a women is making 83 cent against a dollar earned by men.
Interpreting the above numbers is not a simple task as a smaller difference in gender pay gap doesn’t necessarily means a better gender equality. It could also be of the fact that women have lower participation in the paid jobs and thus a lower gap. Higher gender pay gap tends to relate to a higher number of women being employed either part time or in limited professions.
During various exposures and researches had pointed to the most important point that “Why would top ranks or C-Suite job doesn’t appeal to women?” These researches gave pretty good explanation to why women are not advancing as fast as men. Women do something different at home than men and children are the part of this explanation. Higher paying jobs comes with long working hours, less flexibility and round the clock availability. The maternal breaks that may come during the progression of carrier may force women to move from full timer to being a part timer or move to social jobs or take up teaching to full fill child care and healthcare.
Let’s understand the few reasons of why gender pay gap has been a prevalent factor in our society and what could be done to bridge this gap as close as possible.
Part Time Work- Women who have a same opportunities as men may have to take a mid-career break which could be due to flexibility of work or round the clock availability demand or due to forced maternity break. Women who have a house hold responsibility and 30% of their available time goes in unpaid house hold work are left with limited paid working hours. This forces them to take jobs which have flexible working hours or part time demands leading to lower pay and a higher gender pay gap.
Carrier Choices Influence- Most women make carrier choices based on their family decisions which influences the majority of their carrier choices. Some of the factors that influences the most is the Night Shift clause, working from different city than base location, travelling clause that may keep them away from their household responsibility. In...

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