my topic isBiological Influences of Abnormal Behavior
Submit a draft of the literature review due as part of your final research investigation using the three articles that were provided for your track and topic in Module Two, as well astwo additional articlesthat you will find as part of this assignment, as a total of five articles are required for your final project. Rather than following the format of a typical lengthier APA literature review, you will instead prepare five shorter, adapted, individual literature reviews (one for each article) using the Literature Review Template provided below. The final version of the literature review will be submitted in Module Seven as part of Final Project.
PSY 215 Literature Review Example Please note: Keep in mind that the following questions are practice and preparation for the more detailed literature review elements to come. When you complete your literature review, you will be addressing more specific elements. These questions are the first thing to think about when beginning a literature review. What is the title of the article? Provide a reference for the article in proper APA format. Bucchianeri, M. M., Fernandes, N., Loth, K., Hannan, P. J., Eisenberg, M. E., & Neumark- Sztainer, D. (2016). Body dissatisfaction: Do associations with disordered eating and psychological well-being differ across race/ethnicity in adolescent girls and boys? Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 22(1), 137–146. What is the purpose of the article? This research study investigated body dissatisfaction as it relates to disordered eating and overall psychological well-being amongst an ethnically diverse group of adolescent boys and girls. If there are no racial/ethnic differences, interventions can be more global in their approach to mitigating these factors. If there are significant racial/ethnic differences, further refinement of interventions might be warranted in order to provide greater support for adolescents for whom body dissatisfaction poses the greatest risk to their physical and mental health. What is the hypothesis of the study? In other words, what claims do the authors make in the article? What was the outcome(s) of the study, that is, what conclusions did the authors make as a result of the study? One of the strongest risk factors for developing an eating disorder is body dissatisfaction. The authors hypothesized that although absolute levels of body dissatisfaction would vary significantly across race, the strength of associations between body dissatisfaction and dieting, disordered eating, and overall psychological well-being would be similar across racial and ethnic groups. Results indicated that body dissatisfaction indeed differed significantly across racial/ethnic groups with, Asian American girls and boys reporting the most dissatisfaction with their bodies. Other than African American boys, whose relationship between body dissatisfaction and unhealthy eating behaviors was moderated by race/ethnicity, the overall associations between body dissatisfaction and dieting did not vary significantly across racial/ethnic groups. Findings of the study underscore the need to address body dissatisfaction amongst youth of all racial/ethnic backgrounds. What variables (factors) are being looked at as an influence on abnormal behavior? The independent variables included body dissatisfaction, gender, and race/ethnicity. The dependent variables included disordered eating/dieting behavior and overall psychological well- being. If these variables or the relationship between these variables have been studied before, what have other studies found? This shows historical significance. Previous studies, including those that were cross-sectional and prospective, have revealed that body dissatisfaction is one of the strongest predictors of dieting behavior and disordered eating. Low self-esteem and depressive symptoms are also strong predictors. Amongst girls, African Americans generally report greater body satisfaction than Caucasians, regardless of body weight, and they are more likely to acknowledge positive aspects of their bodies. Body dissatisfaction appears highest among Hispanic/Latina girls, although one study indicated no differences between white and Hispanic/Latina girls on this variable. Since females have historically suffered more from disordered eating than males, few studies have explored these factors amongst adolescent males. Even so, current research indicates that similar to African American females, African American males report lowered levels of body dissatisfaction than their white counterparts. What type of research design is used in the study? This research design can be described as descriptive and correlational. The researchers used surveys and anthropometric measures, that is, body measurements including height and weight, that were obtained by trained research staff. Do you think the research in this article was conducted in an ethical manner? Why or why not? Overall, yes. The measurements that were obtained were done so privately. A “passive consent” procedure was used with the parents of the participants, meaning that by not returning a signed form indicating refusal to have their child participate, parents were “passively” consenting to the study. The adolescents were engaged in an “active assent” procedure in which they signed an assent form to indicate their desire to participate. This study was approved by the University of Minnesota’s IRB because passive consent was needed to ensure high rates of participation, and overall risk was low. PSY 215 Literature Review Basics In this course, you will conduct a literature review on a very basic level. You will use the Literature Review Example and Literature Review Template to guide you in a way that makes your review fit the needs of your final project. Full Literature Reviews If you were doing a full literature review, you would choose 6 to 12 research articles on your topic of interest. Normally, you would use the articles to either examine a controversy more closely or to make a point that is backed up by research. In this course, instead of choosing all of the studies on your own, you are provided with several studies, and you will choose a couple on your own. You will use the studies to identify a gap in the research that you can fill with a study you design. The research you are being provided with in this course is somewhat broad to give you some freedom in your topic choice. If you were conducting a traditional literature review, you would look for a narrow scope of studies that pertained to a topic you would already have chosen. The Shapiro Library has a number of psychology-related databases that you could use for your search. In a typical literature review, you would start with the theme of your topic or the point that you plan to make with the literature. These are the typical points you should include: Your research question and how it relates to the studies you have chosen A brief outline of the way in which you have organized your review Detailed descriptions of each study, including your evaluation of each study’s strengths and weaknesses What the studies show and what you believe this means Adapted Literature Reviews for This Course You will not go to the level of depth of a full literature review in this class. Instead, you will fill out the Literature Review Template (using the Literature Review Example as a guide), which has sections that directly relate to the final project rubric. However, if you are pursuing a degree in psychology, you will eventually do formal literature reviews. The exercise in this class will give you a foundation in the basics that you can build upon in your future studies. To fill out the template, you will read the three provided articles and the two articles you selected in the same way that you would read articles in a traditional literature review. Here are some pointers: Scan the article to identify the following: The research question/purpose and specific hypothesis What factors and influences were studied What other studies found What type of research design was used and whether the research was conducted ethically Pay particular attention to the abstract, introduction, results, and discussion to quickly locate these elements. Fill out the template using information from the article and applying concepts you learned in the text to successfully complete your literature review.