MY RESEARCH PAPER NEEDS TO REWRITING for a final draft WITH a thesis. A thesis is an argument that you will prove throughout MY PAPER paper. Try to think of a claim about WW2. This will become the argument for the paper. Be sure that the final draft is double-spaced and in 12 point, Times New Roman font polished with no grammar errors.THIS IS MY RESEARCH PAPERWorld War IIResearch Paper On September 1, 1939, one year after the Munich Agreement, Adolf Hitler invaded Poland. The goal for him was to eliminate all of the Jews. Britain and France promised to help Poland, but then Britain was far away for their Air Force to help, and also France did not want to help because they were scared off the Germans. Poland had very little Navy and Air Force to fight the enemy.They also invaded Poland and the Soviet Union at the same time, their military was too small to attack the Germans and the Soviet Union. The War was taken over on September 27, and organized resistance was over by October 5.In May 1942, the British Royal Air Force carried out a raid on the German city of Cologne with a thousand bombers, for the first time bringing the war home to Germany.Two months after the meeting President Johnson announced that tUS forces in Vietnam would be further increased by 1968. The failure of French armed forces to prevent the Allied occupation of Morocco and Algeria triggered a German occupation of the collaborationist Vichy France on November 11, 1942.As the war went on the Nazis killed the Jews in greater and greater numbers. US planes extended their bombings Tom North Vietnam to with itchiness boarder.Mussolini was jealous of Hitler, but he was naturally drawn to form alliance with Germany. Italy could have joined with allied countries, but they would not have gone along with Mussolini’s expansion plans while Hitler did. Italy seized Albania in 1939. To make sure Germany would win the battle Italy invaded France on June 10, 1940, but they were unsuccessful. Even thoughMussolini failed, Hitler still rewarded Mussolini for attacking France.As the war went on the United States could not help because they did not belong to the League ofNations and them where not allied with anyone. After the war had broken out, the United Statesremained neutral as required by law. The United States would lend Britain 50 or 60 U.S. destroyers forthe American right to use British bases in the Western Hemisphere. People in the United States thoughtthat if the Germans beat the British and the Soviet Union that Germany would of invade the UnitedStates and fight in the United States, so they said they would fight far away from the United States aspossible. About 62 percent of the people went with the order that the president gave, the command toshoot-on-site. With London in flames, many Americans thought that Germany bombers would come andbomb New York or Washington D.C.The United States played another huge role in the War by starting the Lend-Lease Program. This was togive Britain money, which was just as the isolationists had feared. He was not going to loan Britainmoney, but to give them munitions and armaments. It would also go to the Soviet Union after Germanyinvaded it in the summer of 1941. After several weeks of debate, Congress allowed warring nations topurchase arms and other goods, provided that they paid for them in cash and transported them in foreignships. The Cash and Carry favored the Allies. The British and French Navies controlled the AtlanticOcean so German merchant ships could not reach American ports. The basic U-boat could cruise on thesurface for 12,600 nautical miles and dive to a depth of 1,000 feet, and like all subs it dived only when ithad to. On the surface, their speed was 17 Knots while underwater they only got a speed of 7 Knots. TheGerman U-boats were no match for the Allied-hunter-killer taskforces introduced in 1943. The Alliedforces improved antisubmarine weapons and destroyed Germany’s U-boat forces. Near the end of thewar, the Germans came close to deploying a true submarine, the “Walter”, which had a propeller system supplied with oxygen and steam created by the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide(O’Neill 336). It wastested in 1944 but never was operational.On July 1940, Roosevelt signed an order embargoing aviation fuel and the type of scrap metal so theycan make steel. In August and September, Tokyo forced Britain to remove their troops out. They alsowanted them to recognize the claims that they had. Roosevelt had embargoed all iron and steelscraps.The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The Japanese dropped the first bombon Pearl Harbor. The Americans were not ready for the attack it was a surprise attack. Therefore, theJapanese commander said, “it is going to be a surprise attack.” There were men watching the radar whenblips appeared on the radar, but the Navy ignored it. They thought it was the planes that were arrivingfrom California. Within minutes after the arrival of the first wave of Japanese attackers, Pearl Harborbecame a scene of horror, destruction, and confusion with the U.S. A torpedo hit the battleship U.S.S.West Virginia and a set of explosions went off. A torpedo hit U.S.S. Arizona, and it’s blazes set theU.S.S. Tennessee on fire. In October 1966 government representatives from the Unite States Australianew Zealand Thailand South Korea and the Philippines all of which had contributed troops to SouthVietnam met in mania and pledged there withdrawal with six months after Vietnam abandoned to warThe Japanese did not just attack Pearl Harbor but also attacked the Philippines, Malaya, and Hong Kong.For months, the United States and British Air Forces had been bombing industrial targets and railroadyards in Germany in preparation for this invasion where 11,000 planes bombed German defensepositions. The Germans had fought with bravery and skill, but the Allies had held the beaches. After D-Day, June 6, 1944, the Germans had to fight on two fronts.Joseph Stalin regarded Berlin as a highly valuable prize. The Americans wanted to take over Berlinbefore the Soviets could. In April 1945, the Red Army had been closer to Berlin than the Americans hadbeen. The Soviets did not gain any benefits they would not have gotten anyway under the terms of the Yalta agreement in February 1945 that divided up postwar Germany . The war on land ended with thetaking of Berlin.On August 6, 1945, a B-29 bomber nicknamed the “Enola Gay” flown by the Colonel Paul Tibbets, heapproached the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The “Enola Gay” had two other bombers with it, carryingscientific cameras and scientific instruments to record the explosion and what it looked like. At 8:15a.m. the United States dropped the first bomb and its load. It exploded forty-five seconds later at analtitude of two thousand feet above the city. In a single instant, four square miles of ground zero (if thebomb would have hit the ground) would have vanished. Nothing was left in the Japanese city ofHiroshima, a lot of people died, and everything vanished. Tens of thousands of more people would diein the years ahead from the effects of exposure to the radiation released by the first bomb’s explosion.On August 9, 1945, just three days after the United States dropped the first bomb on the city ofHiroshima, the United States dropped a second bomb over the Japanese city called Nagasaki, killing40,000 people and more. The Japanese did surrender on September 2, 1945, on the United Statesbattleship called the U.S.S. Missouri. The nuclear bomb used against the Japanese city of Nagasaki wasnicknamed “Fat Man”.And was ten feet long, and weighed 10,000 pounds but had a yield equivalent of20,000 tons of high explosives was a really big. The U.S.S. California was refloated, rebuilt, and putback on the water and when to war. Never the less 90 percent of the United States American air and seapower in the mid-Pacific was destroyed or immobilized. In 1944, Adolf Hitler survived an assassinationbut finally took his life in 1945. The war ended on June 6, 1944, this day is known as D-Day. The ColdWar started before WWII was over. The United States and the Soviet Union marched toward Berlin, tocrush Hitler’s capital. Less than six years later the war had finally ended, the Allied forces claimedvictory over the Axis alliance, and Adolf Hitler no longer reigned. So let’s take a look back to 1939, andthink what it would be like to have your home, your privacy, invaded.