My program is not working properly. I input a screenshot of the assignment and my form, the code that I have written is directly under this. Please tell me how to correct it, I am supposed to use checkboxes to purchase the number of tickets that I want and then all of the ticket information is supposed to appear on the other side.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Final
public partial class Form1 : Form
static int count1 = 0, count2 = 0, count3 = 0, car1Sale = 0, car2Sale = 0, car3Sale = 0;
public Form1()
private void checkBox1_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
textBox4.Text = Convert.ToString(count1 + count2 + count3);
private void checkBox14_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
textBox4.Text = Convert.ToString(count1 + count2 + count3);
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (Control cBox in this.panel1.Controls)
if (cBox is CheckBox)
((CheckBox)cBox).Checked = false;
foreach (Control cBox in this.panel2.Controls)
if (cBox is CheckBox)
((CheckBox)cBox).Checked = false;
foreach (Control cBox in this.panel3.Controls)
if (cBox is CheckBox)
((CheckBox)cBox).Checked = false;
private void chkPanel1()
count1 = 0;
foreach (Control c in this.panel1.Controls)
if (c is CheckBox)
if (((CheckBox)c).Checked)
textBox1.Text = count1.ToString();
private void clearAvailable()
textBox10.Text = "";
textBox11.Text = "";
textBox12.Text = "";
textBox9.Text = "";
private void chkPanel2()
count2 = 0;
foreach (Control c in this.panel2.Controls)
if (c is CheckBox)
if (((CheckBox)c).Checked)
textBox2.Text = count2.ToString();
private void chkPanel3()
count3 = 0;
foreach (Control c in this.panel3.Controls)
if (c is CheckBox)
if (((CheckBox)c).Checked)
textBox3.Text = count3.ToString();
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
textBox4.Text = Convert.ToString(count1 + count2 + count3);
private void saleCalulate()
car1Sale = count1 * 300;
car2Sale = count2 * 200;
car3Sale = count3 * 100;
textBox5.Text = "$" + car1Sale;
textBox6.Text = "$" + car2Sale;
textBox7.Text = "$" + car3Sale;
textBox8.Text = "$" + Convert.ToString(car1Sale + car2Sale + car3Sale);
private void checkBox40_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
textBox4.Text = Convert.ToString(count1 + count2 + count3);
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
textBox9.Text = Convert.ToString(50 - (count1 + count2 + count3));
textBox10.Text = (10 - count1).ToString();
textBox11.Text = (20 - count2).ToString();
textBox12.Text = (20 - count3).ToString();
Extracted text: o! Form1 CAR #1 groupBox2 CAR #3 A B Purchase infomation 1 SEATS TO PURCHASE CAR #1: CAR #2: 4 CAR #3: Total seats to purchase: o CAR #2 SE PRICE groupBox3 CAR #1 A D $300 SEAT SALES: CAR #1: CAR #2 $200 2 CAR #2: CAR #3 A В СD $100 CAR #3: Total Sales: 5 Purchase Clear Seat infomation: SEATS AVAILABLE/TOTAL: TOTAL SEATS: /50 CAR #1: /10 CAR #2: /20 CAR #3: /20 3. LO
Extracted text: Write a program that can be used by MG-Train to purchase tickets. The train has three cars. Car #1 has 10 seats (rows: 1-5, columns: A and D), Car #2 has 20 seats (rows: 1- 5, columns: A, C, and D), and Car #3 has 20 seats (rows: 1- 5, columns: A, B, C, and D). Each car has different seat price (Car #1: $300, Car #2: $200, and Car #3: $100). The program should display a screen that shows which seats are available and which are taken. For example, the following screen shows a chart depicting each seat in the train. Seats that are taken are represented by an M symbol, and seats that are available are represented by a O symbol. MG-Train SEAT MAP Car 1 Purchase Information Seats to Purchase Car #1 3. Car 12 Car 3 3 Total Seats to Purchase: Car #2 Seat Sales Car #1: $300 2 Car 2 $400 3 Car 3: $300 Total Sales: $1.000 Car 3 Purchase Clear AB C D Sents Information Seats (Available / Total) Total Seats: 24 / 50 SEAT PRICE Car #1: 9/ 10 Car #2 18 / 20 Car #1 AD: S300 Car 3: 17 / 20 Car N2 ACD: S200 Car #3 ABCD:S100 O DOOD O O O DO OO D O D O KOOO O