My objective for this Java program was to help manage a collection manager. I need to implement three classes:    1. Main Recipe items     Your Recipe class will start off similar to your Ingredient...

My objective for this Java program was to help manage a collection manager.

I need to implement three classes:    1. Main Recipe items     Your Recipe class will start off similar to your Ingredient class, but you will increase its functionality by modifying it to accept the Ingredient objects, containing    all the details stored in an Ingredient class object. You will also expand the Recipe class by adding recipe-specific methods to your Recipe class.   2. Ingredients part of the recipe      Your Ingredient class will model the items that will be stored in each recipe in your collection. You will give it some basic attributes (of numeric or string types)   and some basic methods (accessors/mutators, printItemDetails(), etc.).    3. Entire colletion of Recipes    The collection should use a list data structure to store the individual items. Your collection class should include methods like addItem(), printItem(), and   deleteItem() that allow you to add, print, or delete items from your collection of items    *Please verify all of objectives have been met*    * I have added Inline Comments for my Ingredient program but have not for the others. Please Add Inline Comments Directed toward software engineers about design decisions to facilitate the programs ongoing maintenance*   /*   * Author : Eli Mishkit   * Created on : 6/28/18

* File Name :   * Description : *  * */  import java. util. Scanner;   public class Ingredient {   // Declaring Ingredient class memebers/fields  private String ingredient Name;

private float ingredient Amount;   private String unit Measurement;   private double numberofCalories;  // Creating scanner object to take the input form the keyboard  private Scanner sc = new Scanner(;  // Default Constructor    public Ingredient() {

// Asking for the ingredient name and storing into the respective field/variable

System.out.println("Please enter the name of the ingredient: ");  ingredientName = sc.nextLine();    // Asking for the number of cups of the specified ingredient and storing into the respective field/variable   System. Out .println("Please enter the number of cups of " + ingredient Name + " we'll need: ");   boolean valid = false;   // Validating the input

while(!valid) {   try {   ingredient Amount = Float.parseFloat(sc.nextLine());

valid = true;  } catch(Exception e) {   System. out.println("Invalid value. Try again: "); }

}  // Asking for the unit of the measurement  System.out.println("Please enter the unit of measure: ");  unitMeasurement = sc.nextLine();  // Asking for the number of calories per cup

System.out.println("Please enter the number of calories per cup: ");  valid = false;

// Validating the input  while(!valid) {   try {  numberofCalories =  Integer.parseInt(sc.nextLine());  valid = true;    } catch(Exception e) {System.out.println("Invalid value. Try again: ");}  } }  // Getters  public String getIngredientName() {   return ingredientName;  }   public float getIngredientAmount(){

return ingredientAmount; }   public double getNumberofCalories() {    return numberofCalories;  }   public String getUnitMeasurement() {   return unitMeasurement;

}   // Overriding toString method to display useful information about the object

@Override   public String toString() {  return "Ingredient Name = " + ingredientName + "\nIngredient Amount = " + ingredientAmount + "\nUnit Measurement = " + unitMeasurement + "\nNumber of Calories = "   + numberofCalories;   }  // Driver Method to test the methods    public static void main(String args[]) {  // Creating instance of(object) Ingredient   Ingredient i = new Ingredient();   // Displaying the object's information

System.out.println("\n" + i);  }  }


import java.util.ArrayList;  import java.util.Scanner;   /**  ** @author Eli Mishkit */

public class Recipe {   private String recipeName;    private double totalRecipeCalories = 0.0;

private ArrayList recipeIngredients = new ArrayList();

private boolean addMoreIngredients = true;   private int servings;   private static double totalCost; // total cost of the recipe   public String getRecipeName() {   return recipeName;  }

public double getTotalRecipeCalories() {   return totalRecipeCalories;   }   public ArrayList getRecipeIngredients() {   return recipeIngredients;

}    public boolean isAddMoreIngredients() {   return addMoreIngredients;

}  public int getServings() {  return servings;   }  public void setRecipeName(String recipeName) {   this.recipeName = recipeName;  }   public void setTotalRecipeCalories(double totalRecipeCalories) {

this.totalRecipeCalories = totalRecipeCalories;    }   public void  setRecipeIngredients(ArrayList recipeIngredients) {

this.recipeIngredients = recipeIngredients;  }  public void setAddMoreIngredients(boolean addMoreIngredients) {    this.addMoreIngredients = addMoreIngredients; }   public void setServings(int servings) {   this.servings = servings;  }   public Recipe() {   this.recipeName = "";    this.servings = 0; // <---> recipeIngredients,    double totalRecipeCalories)

// <-->

{   this.recipeName = recipeName;    this.servings = servings;   this.recipeIngredients = recipeIngredients;   this.totalRecipeCalories = totalRecipeCalories;  }   public void printRecipe() {    double singleServingCalories;    singleServingCalories = this.totalRecipeCalories / this.servings;   /**   * Print the following recipe information: Recipe: >  * system.out.println("Recipe Name" + this.recipeName); Serves: >  * Ingredients: > > ... >

*  * Each serving has > Calories.  *   * HINT --> Use a for loop to iterate through the ingredients  */   System.out.println("Recipe Name" + this.recipeName);

System.out.println("Serves" + this.servings);   System.out.println("Ingredients");

for (RecipeIngredient m : recipeIngredients) {   System.out.println("Name= " + m.getName() + ", Amount= " + m.getAmount() + m.getType().getUnit());   }   System.out.println("Each serving has " + singleServingCalories + " Calories");  System.out.println("Total Cost= " + totalCost + "$");    }  public static void main(String[] args) {   Recipe recipe1 = createNewRecipe();   recipe1.printRecipe();  }   private static Recipe createNewRecipe() {

double totalRecipeCalories = 0.0;   ArrayList recipeIngredients = new ArrayList();   boolean addMoreIngredients = true;   Scanner scnr = new Scanner(;   System.out.println("Please enter the recipe name: ");

String recipeName = scnr.nextLine();  System.out.println("Please enter the number of servings: ");  // correct data type & Scanner assignment method for servings variable

int servings = scnr.nextInt();  String ingredientName;  do {  System.out   .println("Please enter the ingredient name or type end if you are finished entering ingredients: ");   ingredientName =;  if(ingredientName.toLowerCase().equals("end")) {

addMoreIngredients = false;  break;   } else {   /**  * Add the ingredient name to recipeIngredients   *  */ b  System.out.println("Please enter the ingredient amount: ");   float ingredientAmount = scnr.nextFloat();   scnr.nextLine();   System.out.println("Please enter the ingredient Calories: ");  int ingredientCalories = scnr.nextInt();  scnr.nextLine();   /**   * Add the total Calories from this ingredient (ingredientCalories *  * ingredientAmount) to the totalRecipeCalories  */  totalRecipeCalories = ingredientCalories * ingredientAmount;

System.out.println("Please enter the unit of measurement");  String unit = scnr.nextLine();  System.out.println("Please enter the cost of Ingredient");  double cost = scnr.nextDouble();  scnr.nextLine();  Measurement type = new Measurement(ingredientAmount, unit);// Create new Measurement unit type  RecipeIngredient r = new RecipeIngredient(ingredientName, ingredientAmount, type, ingredientCalories,  cost);// Add a new object of REcipeIngredient and add it to the list  recipeIngredients.add(r);   totalCost += cost;// Update the cost

System.out.println("Do you want to continue. Y/N");   ingredientName = scnr.nextLine();

}   } while (!ingredientName.equalsIgnoreCase("n"));   scnr.close();  Recipe recipe1 = new Recipe(recipeName, servings, recipeIngredients, totalRecipeCalories);  return recipe1;





public class RecipeIngredient {   private String name;  private float amount;  private Measurement type;  private double calories;  private double cost;  public double getCost() {  return cost;   }  public void setCost(double cost) {  this.cost = cost;  }  @Override  public String toString() {  return "RecipeIngredient [name=" + name + ", amount=" + amount + ", type=" + type + ", calories=" + calories  + "]";  }  public String getName() {  return name;  }  public void setName(String name) { = name;  }  public float getAmount() {

return amount;  }  public RecipeIngredient(String name, float amount, Measurement type, double calories, double cost) {   super(); = name;   this.amount = amount;   this.type = type;  this.calories = calories;   this.cost = cost;   }   public void setAmount(float amount) {   this.amount = amount;   }   public Measurement getType() {   return type;  }   public void setType(Measurement type) {   this.type = type;   }   public double getCalories() {  return calories;   }   public void setCalories(double calories) {   this.calories = calories;   }}



public class Measurement {   public double getQuantity() {   return quantity;  }  public void setQuantity(double quantity) {  this.quantity = quantity;  }   public String getUnit() {   return unit;   }  public void setUnit(String unit) {   this.unit = unit;   }  private double quantity = 0.0;  private String unit = "";// The unit of the Measurement.  /**   * Create Measurement object with Quantity and its unit   *  * @param quantity  * to be measured  * @param unit  * of measurement like grams  */  public Measurement(double quantity, String unit) {   this.quantity = quantity;   this.unit = unit;   }  @Override  public String toString() {   return "Measurement [quantity=" + quantity + ", unit=" + unit + "]";  }   }  ////////////////////////////////////////ENd

May 19, 2022

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