My name is Helen Tanis I am born raised in Miami and you put put anything else about myself.In your first post, introduce yourself to your instructor and peers. Share who you are, where you are from,...

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My name is Helen Tanis I am born raised in Miami and you put put anything else about myself.In your first post, introduce yourself to your instructor and peers. Share who you are, where you are from, and what your goals are in taking this course.

Then, as you read the webtext, respond to the following prompt in one to two paragraphs.

Choose a sentence or short section from the article embedded in your webtext reading about Irish immigration. Copy and paste the sentence or section into your discussion post. Along with this sentence or section, briefly explain how your choice illustrates the concept of change over time.

You should also answer the following questions in your post:

  • How does this article give you a better understanding of the changing perception of Irish immigrants in America?

  • What forces allowed the Irish to be assimilated into U.S. culture despite initial resistance?

In response to your peers, compare and contrast their understanding of the changing perceptions of Irish immigrants to your own understanding of those changing perception

Answered Same DayOct 31, 2021

Answer To: My name is Helen Tanis I am born raised in Miami and you put put anything else about myself.In your...

Sanjukta answered on Oct 31 2021
150 Votes
Running Head: HISTORY
1. Changing the assumption of Irish Immigrants
It is the article that made me realize how difficult the life of an Irish immigrant was when they first arrived in America. Furthermore, these Irish Immigrants who arrived in mass always had some purpose. They wanted freedom from the horrors that they faced in their home country. However, when they came to America Irish Immigrants hoped that this...

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