Coding from scratch using JAX (30 points)NW.”Using libraries from the JAX ecosystem, code gradient boosting from scratch using the clippedcosinusoidal dataset for the classification task....

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must use JAX ecosystem

the classification task link for q1 is:

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the link for that dataset is:

Coding from scratch using JAX (30 points) NW.” Using libraries from the JAX ecosystem, code gradient boosting from scratch using the clipped cosinusoidal dataset for the classification task. EIVIG Dataset (4U points) Eig The performed ten hand gestures. (a) (b) Fig.2 Location of channels and ground; (a) posterior and anterior views of the right upper limb, and (b) 4-channel electrode placement with a ground electrode. Apply your gradient boosting implementation to the EMG dataset - for a demonstration of a similar application see this tutorial
Answered 1 days AfterNov 23, 2022

Answer To: Coding from scratch using JAX (30 points)NW.”Using libraries from the JAX ecosystem, code...

Robert answered on Nov 25 2022
48 Votes
Practitioners of machine learning would be wise to be familiar with the workings of gradient bo
osting machines (GBMs), which are currently enjoying a lot of popularity.Sadly, modifying the hyper-parameters necessitates these specifics, which creates a problem because it is challenging to comprehend all of the mathematical machinery.Unlike Random Forests, for instance, the hyper-parameters must be tuned in order to produce a good GBM model.)Our goal is to provide visual representations for model construction, a clear mathematical explanation, and answers to difficult questions like why GBM is performing "gradient descent in function space" in this article.
GBM was extended to cover a wide range of statistical issues with the addition...

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