1.In the past, a good marriage was measured by how well each spouse:
a.contributed to the couple's emotional development.
b.maintained amicable relationships with in-laws.
c.responded to their partner's needs.
d.fulfilled the socially prescribed roles of husband and wife.
2.The greatly increased life span means that marriages are now expected to:
a.produce more children.
b.endure much longer.
c.promote egalitarianism.
d.create a sense of alienation.
3.The rate of divorce in this century has been:
a.fluctuating up and down for the last two decades.
b.fairly constant since the 1950s.
c.declining for the last 50 years.
d.rising throughout the century.
4.The rising divorce rates of the 1940s were caused by:
a.the women's movement.
b.declining religious values.
c.World War II.
d.liberal divorce laws.
5.The median duration of marriage at the time of divorce in the United States is approximately:
a.four years. years.
c.11 years.
d.13 years.
6.The crude divorce rate is the ratio of divorces to:
a.marriages in a given year.
b.remarriages in a given year.
c.each thousand persons within the population. and women of reproductive age (15 to 44).
7.The crude divorce rate in 2009 was lower than in 1970. What accounts for this slight decline in divorce?
a.fewer children and marrying younger
b.increased levels of education and delaying marriage
c.increased socioeconomic status and education
d.greater gaps between children
8.Desertion is especially prevalent among:
b.the poor.
c.young couples.
9.Marriage is still high on Americans’ list of values. However, the value of marriage appears to be weakening for all the following
a.granting marital-like rights to unmarried couples
b.high rate of marital break-up
c.changes in child custody laws
d.All of the above weaken the value of marriage.
10.Cox and Demmitt believe that the most appropriate term for describing American marriages is:
a."throwaway marriages."
b."domestic partnerships."
c."serial marriages."
d."limited partnerships."