Multiple and shifting identities worksheet There are many aspects of our identity in addition to culture. These different identities contribute to the diversity within cultural groups. This activity...

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Multiple and shifting identities worksheet

There are many aspects of our identity in addition to culture. These different identities contribute to the diversity within cultural groups. This activity is designed to encourage you to examine your multiple group identities. Marshall Singer has used the termidentity groupto refer to groups of people who perceive some aspect of the world similarly and who recognize and communicate about that similarity. According to Singer, the perceptions,values,attitudes, and beliefs that we learn from being a part of these groups, and the relative importance of our identity groups makes each of us unique.

Directions.Think for a minute about your identity groups; that is, the group memberships that most clearly define who you are. These may include gender,nationality,religion, socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity as well as such affiliations as political party, academic disciplines, age cohort, disability status, sexual orientation, occupation, hobbies, and sports groups. Then answer the questions below in the space provided.

1.List your identity groups below.


African AmericanApostolic/ Pentecostal

Middle ClassSingle mom

Teen momDemocratic

Dean’s List Rower

2.Review your list and rank your identity groups by putting a (1) next to the group that you identify with most strongly, a (2) next to the group that is next most important to you, and so on.

(1)Female (1)Black

(2)African American (2)Apostolic/ Pentecostal

(1)Middle Class (1)Single mom

(1)Teen mom (1)Democratic

(2)Dean’s List (2)Rower

3.Now, using each identity as a distinctlens,explorethe meanings of gender in the context of each of your other identities, for example, What does it mean (to you) to be a womanimmigrant?Whatdoes it mean (to you) to be a gay or a heterosexual man?

To be a black,africanamericanwomanin today’s societyI feel like we as a community

To better understand intersectionality, you may review: (Links to an external site.)

4.What impact does each gender/identity combination has had on you as a person? Think of your experiences with privilege or prejudice, relationships with women and men, family relationships, education and career, adjustment and well-being, achievement, and encounters with negative life events.

5.What would happen if one of your primary identity groups changed – for example, your gender, socioeconomicclass,race/ethnicity, or sexual orientation.

Media and the objectification of women

2Answer some of the following questions (post length = TWO+ paragraphs)

Reply at least once to another student's post (minimum 3 sentences or 1 paragraph)

Based on your viewing ofMiss Representation (Links to an external site.)andNanette (Links to an external site.)(alternative:Codes of Gender (Links to an external site.)), answer at least 2 of the following questions: (refer specifically to either one of the videos in your answers)

1) Respond to this famous quote: “The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any”–Alice Walker

2) How has the focus only on the bottom line in the media industry confused fact and opinion?

3) Explain how the following factors may influence the representation of gender in the mass media: cultural attitudes, media ownership, advertising, media regulation.

4) "Hannahrealisesthat, for all of the laughs she garners through jokes about her sexuality, she is part of a mechanism which harmsmarginalisedfolks" Explain and discuss.

4) What alternative images of women and men can you find in current media? Give specific examples. What do you think we can change?

The Mask You Live in and American masculinity/femininity

WatchThe Mask You Live In. (Links to an external site.)

Review articles in the Men and Masculinity Folder - particularly the story of the Gillette ad!

Answer some of the following questions (post length = 1-2 paragraphs)

Reply at least once to another student's post (minimum 3 sentences or 1 paragraph)

  1. Do you think the Mask You Live In documentary is fair and balanced? Why/why not?

  1. What is the film saying about American boys and masculinity? What did you, or did not, relate to?

  1. What is hyper-masculinity/femininity, and why does it exist? Is it a result of biology or a social construct? How do you feel about the concept of "toxic masculinity"?

  1. Browsing these recent posts on masculinity or your own experience/reading, what other issues emerge in young men's' lives today? (Links to an external site.)

  1. If you were to shoot a film about American femininity (the experience of being a woman), what title would you give it? Explain.

    Choose ONE of the 2 assignments described in the instruction sheet; assignment length 2-3 pages.

    media or toy analysis instructions.pdf

    Preview the document

    Media and the objectification of women

    2626 unread replies.2626 replies.

    Answer some of the following questions (post length = TWO+ paragraphs)

    Reply at least once to another student's post (minimum 3 sentences or 1 paragraph)

    Based on your viewing ofMiss Representation(Links to an external site.)andNanette(Links to an external site.)(alternative:Codes of Gender(Links to an external site.)), answer at least 2 of the following questions: (refer specifically to either one of the videos in your answers)

    1)Respond to this famous quote: “The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any”–Alice Walker

    2) How has the focus only on the bottom line in the media industry confused fact and opinion?

    3) Explain how the following factors may influence the representation of gender in the mass media: cultural attitudes, media ownership, advertising, media regulation.

    4) "Hannah realises that, for all of the laughs she garners through jokes about her sexuality, she is part of a mechanism which harms marginalised folks" Explain and discuss.

    4) What alternative images of women and men can you find in current media? Give specific examples. What do you think we can change?

    The biological underpinings of gender; Sex and relationships

    2424 unread replies.2424 replies.

    Answerall of the following questions(post length = 1-2 paragraphs)

    Reply at least once to another student's post (minimum 3 sentences or 1 paragraph)

    After reading chapter 5 and watchingThe Gender Puzzle(Links to an external site.)

    , answer the following:

    What are the two main theories explaining the connection between biological sex and gender identity? Which of these theories do the makers of the film "The Gender Puzzle" support?

    What is your position on the banning of trans athletes from sport competitions? Review this article describing recent cases: to an external site.)

    After reading chapter 7 and watchingUnderstanding the Hookup Culture(Links to an external site.), answer the following:

    1) What kind of sexual scripts have you grown up with? What are your reactions to the findings reported in Table 7.1 on the prevalence of sexual scripts in America? (note the gender differences)

    2) Do you believe the "hookup culture" is potentially empowering to women? What is the double standard that often occurs in "hookups'?

Answered Same DayJul 31, 2021

Answer To: Multiple and shifting identities worksheet There are many aspects of our identity in addition to...

Sanchita answered on Aug 02 2021
147 Votes
Short Assignment #1
The meaning of being a white woman has changed in the past few years and the international community has developed to become a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society in the past couple of decades. Previously, being a white woman meant that the person belonged the country and has ancestral roots in the same country like England, USA, Australia and New Zealand. Today, a white woman like me can be born and raised in one country, but can relocate to other c
ountries for work or study, so the identity has to be proven in the new cultural that we interact with. Also, being a white woman, I often come across questions that are related to be detailed family lineage and ancestry, because more people are aware that even white people have mixed-ancestry. Being a white woman, I am often perceived to be confident, outgoing, outspoken and frank, whereas I presently am not that open in terms of interacting with new people. That is a common stereotype associated with the ‘white women’ .
Although the world has developed to be a multicultural and multi-ethnic society, there are still certain perks as well as shortcomings that are associated with being a ‘white woman’. In terms of well-being, I personally feel it is good being a white woman especially in the western society because there are certain privileges that associated with being a white woman. In terms of relationships with men and women, white women are often considered as easy going with the opposite sex because of the various stereotypes associated with being a white woman. When it comes to relationships with women of other ethnicity and background, they consider us as a serious competition and are often driven to compete with us on almost every ground. The family relationships that we deal with are often very delicate and formal because of the existent ‘dis-integration’ of family life, which is common in the western societies. As we grow old, we have to move away from our family and have to live on our own and make own living, this impacts the family life, the most. Career wise, I feel white women face a great deal of competition from women of other ethnicity and cultures as they tend to put in extra efforts to achieve their goals (White & Dutton, 2012).
If the primary identity group that I belong to, changes, life would be completely different from what it is right now and I would not enjoy the perks that I enjoy presently. Yes, there are certain perks of being a white woman in the society, as there are certain stereotypes associated with being white. In the western society, there are certain privileges with being a white female. It would not be right to say that the society is biased towards other ethnicities, it’s just that, there are certain psychological assumptions associated with the way society works and white females are treated differently in general, as compared to other women. Although the overall work scenario has also changed a lot in the past few years and men and women from almost every nationality and ethnicity work in unison in the modern society, still there are various employers who would prefer to hire a white female over female of another ethnicity. Here, the key deciding factor is that of that of the wage rate which is being charged by the employee. In most work locales, the wage rate which is charged by other ethnic groups than white people is lesser. In case a white female agrees to work at a similar wage rate as other ethnic groups, the employer would prefer hiring the white female (Harrison, 2016).
The Mask You Live in and American masculinity/femininity
The documentary is not balanced as it shows the ‘one-sided’ aspect associated with the society and its perception about the aspect of masculinity in the American society.
The film portrays the aspect of American masculinity and the ‘narrow’ perception which is created about it from the peer groups among men and boys of the young age and how they are required to prove their masculinity (Harrison, 2016).
Toxic masculinity is a social construct and it is a result of the wrong perception and upbringing among boys which has happened for several generations and it has impacted the society in a negative way.
Young American men are facing several issues pertaining the overall personality development. Men in the society are not ‘internationally viable’ and they can only exist in the American society, and nowhere else.
The title for the film would be: “Why is White Woman So Confused?”, because of the fact that the society perceives a white woman in a completely different light, as how she actually is and it is very confusing for her.
Assignment 2
Cultural Messages About Gender Roles: An Analysis of Children’s Media
There is a great deal of disparity in the appearance...

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