Multiclass classification of white wine quality: a) Using the data/winequality-white.csv file, perform some initial EDA on the white wine data. Be sure to look at how many wines had a given quality...

Multiclass classification of white wine quality:

a) Using the data/winequality-white.csv file, perform some initial EDA on

the white wine data. Be sure to look at how many wines had a given quality score.

b) Build a pipeline to standardize the data and fit a multiclass logistic regression

model. Pass multi_class='multinomial' and max_iter=1000 to the

LogisticRegression constructor.

c) Look at the classification report for your model.

d) Create a confusion matrix using the confusion_matrix_visual() function

from the ml_utils.classification module. This will work as is for

multiclass classification problems.

e) Extend the plot_roc() function to work for multiple class labels. To do so,

you will need to create a ROC curve for each class label (which are quality scores

here), where a true positive is correctly predicting that quality score and a false

positive is predicting any other quality score. Note that ml_utils has a function

for this, but try to build your own implementation.

f) Extend the plot_pr_curve() function to work for multiple class labels

by following a similar method to part e). However, give each class its own

subplot. Note that ml_utils has a function for this, but try to build your own


May 26, 2022

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